Martyr Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi Baghestan
Father’s name: Shaban
Date of birth: August 7, 1972
Place of birth: Baghistan
Date of martyrdom: August 6, 1996
Place of martyrdom: Sarayan area
Burial place: Baghistan Sofla
Sending unit: police force

Text of the will of martyr Mohammad Hossein Moheb Baghestan
“In the name of God”
text Will I Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi gardens – Shaban child – was born in 1351.
(And those who were killed in the cause of God should not be deceived, but they should be resurrected under their Lord). Do not think that those who are killed in the way of God are dead, but they are the living who receive sustenance from God. Greetings to the great leader of the revolution and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Peace be upon all the martyrs of the path of truth against falsehood. Thank God Almighty for granting this success to the Iranian nation that with the guidance of the Imam Khomeini and with unity in the light of Islam, we can show the true Islam in the world.
With the knowledge and success that God will grant me, I have taken this path to sacrifice my invaluable blood to the big tree of Islam and keep this revolution alive.
God: have mercy on me and grant me success so that I can do the slightest service to the religion of Islam with my blood.
God: You are the witness that we have not accepted the battle in your path, not for the sake of achieving your satisfaction, nor for the fear of hell, but our desire is the fertility of the tree of revolution.
My dear parents and sisters, hello. Dear father, you have suffered a lot for your lowly child. You have been a working and toiling class and I will never forget those calloused hands of you who have sweated and suffered under the sun and I have to admit that I owe you my whole life and I do not know how to satisfy you. To draw.
But you, mother, were a kind and very compassionate mother to your children. You forbade sleep at night and did not let sleep overwhelm you so that you might be able to take good care of me, and all this was done so that you could make me a Muslim and a scholastic and a revolutionary. I will never forget that you came home from work tired and exhausted and hugged me warmly.
Let me remind you, dear parents, the characteristic of us human beings is that first we create from dust and then we return to dust, and you are responsible for the role of a trust, and God sent a trust to you, and you maintained the trust well, and then you have to Dedicate yourself to God without grief, and if God gave me the merit of becoming a martyr, do not grieve for yourself.
Dear wife and dear friend, Hello. Hello, my mother-in-law. Life was short and during this time I enjoyed your kindness and love. Your presence in my house was one of the blessings of God, like you, like the devoted women of the beginning of Islam, who encouraged their husbands to go to the battlefield of truth against falsehood. God bless you. In educating the light of my eyes, my dear child, do your best and tell him to be proud that his father was a soldier of Islam and he lost his life in this way, and you sent me to schools to learn science and knowledge. I am now studying in schools where the teacher is Hussein Ibn Ali (AS) and the students of that school are like Habib Ibn Mazahir, Ali Akbar and Ali Asghar, and I ask you to make me lawful and I am not satisfied that you cry on my body and in End Pray for the health and longevity of the Imam of the Nation.
I pray for goodness and forgiveness from all my relatives and righteous people and ask for forgiveness.
God bless you, dated 4/25/1375 Address of residence: Khorasan, Ferdows, Lower Baghistan, my father Haj Shaban Mohebbi’s house.
«1» آل عمران / 169 25/4 / 1375- Signature
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Text of the will of martyr Mohammad Hossein Moheb Baghestani
Name of God
, “all from Him and to Him we go,”
the man said Cui, who found love on the chest, the land of the epic saga had come to embody the Namrdyha and hatred from the other side, the land of double tulips He had come from a land not far from the familiar city, with a more pleasant air than a rose from the Sistan and Baluchestan front. It was a bright and shining point in the sky of footsteps and the light of hope in the hearts of the night owls.
After the last greetings to the parts of my body, my dear parents and brothers, I offer these brief petitions as a will. I hope you will forgive me. My dear parents, you endured years of hardship and hardship and did not hesitate to bring me to this stage, and like a compassionate gardener who grows trees with great difficulty to flower in spring and bear fruit in summer, the fruit of your garden is ripe. But there comes a time when he rolls in blood in the way of God and surrenders his life to God Almighty, from whom everything belongs. As you can see, man has to say goodbye to the world. Hussein, be oppressed. God created us to be tested. We have to pass this exam.
Now that I am fighting with these miscreants in another Karbala, such as Karbala in the east of the country, namely Sistan and Baluchestan province, I accepted Hussein’s path. I will continue the path of that martyr.
Therefore, dear parents, you know that the testimony of everything was mine, even though you have lost a part of your body, but know that the liver of your corner has reached everything and what better fruit than this, except for a lifetime of your prayers to God Almighty for your child’s happiness. Know that my happiness is the day I achieve this desire, but the second point, my dear parents, why I have mentioned your name in every verse! Because I love you with all my heart, one of my heart’s desires was to repay the hard work you endured for my growth and life, but whatever he thought of to find a way to compensate for it in this world, I did not think of a place to find a solution in that world. That is, I saw the promised (Paradise), so if God grants me the success of martyrdom in His way, and if you can make the prayer of this despicable person, my good prayer is for you. God willing, in that world, with the good prayers of one (martyr) and the prayers of the infallible Imams (AS), you will achieve such a position that you will compensate all these efforts so that I will be white before you. Therefore, I desperately ask you not to cry and lament in my absence, because it is with these cries and lamentations that the enemies of Islam rejoice, but advice to my brothers and friends, I hope that you will be successful in your work and will be able to take an effective step forward. Go for the goals of the Islamic Revolution, and in my last words, I greet all my relatives, friends and acquaintances, and I ask God Almighty for their health, and hope that one day the roots of the wicked will be burned from the land of the Islamic homeland and all warriors will reach the warm embrace of their families. . Amen, the omnipotent Therefore, I desperately ask you not to cry and lament in my absence, because it is with these cries and lamentations that the enemies of Islam rejoice, but advice to my brothers and friends, I hope that you will be successful in your work and will be able to take an effective step forward. Go for the goals of the Islamic Revolution, and in my last words, I greet all my relatives, friends and acquaintances, and I ask God Almighty for their health, and hope that one day the roots of the wicked will be burned from the land of the Islamic homeland and all warriors will reach the warm embrace of their families. . Amen, the omnipotent Therefore, I desperately ask you not to cry and lament in my absence, because it is with these cries and lamentations that the enemies of Islam rejoice, but advice to my brothers and friends, I hope that you will be successful in your work and will be able to take an effective step forward. Go for the goals of the Islamic Revolution, and in my last words, I greet all my relatives, friends and acquaintances, and I ask God Almighty for their health, and hope that one day the roots of the wicked will be burned from the land of the Islamic homeland and all warriors will reach the warm embrace of their families. . Amen, the omnipotent
In the last advice, do not forget to pray for the soul of Imam Khomeini.
Dated 04.17.1371 9 Sergeant Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi 17/4/71 –
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The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi Baghistan
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those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead, but alive unto God, I do not eat one day.
Greetings to the holy spirit of the great leader of the revolution and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and greetings to all the martyrs of the path of truth against falsehood. Thank God Almighty for granting this success to the Iranian nation that with the guidance of the dear Imam Khomeini and with power in the light of Islam, we can show the true Islam in the world. With the knowledge and success that God will grant me, I have taken this path to sacrifice my invaluable blood to the big tree of Islam and I will keep this revolution alive. May God have mercy on me and I have done the slightest service to the religion of Islam with my blood. Dear parents, my sisters, hello
Dear father and mother, Sama, you have suffered a lot for your poor child. You have been a working class and toiler, and I will never forget those calloused hands of you who have sweated and suffered under the sun, and I must confess that I owe my whole life to you. I am and I do not know how to satisfy you.
But you, your mother, were a kind and very compassionate mother to your children. Make a schoolboy and a revolutionary, and I will never forget that you came back from work, tired and exhausted, you took me in your warm embrace. You are a trust, and God sent a trust to you, and you maintained the trust well, and then you should offer it to God well and without any grief, and God gave me the merit to become a martyr, so that you do not cause any grief.
Dear and faithful wife
Hello, my mother’s bride, the life span was short and during this time I enjoyed your goodness and love. Your presence in my house was a blessing from God. They falsely encouraged and persuaded. God bless you.
In educating the light of my eyes, my dear child, do your best and tell him to be proud that his father was a soldier of Islam and he lost his life in this way.
And you sent me to a school to learn science and knowledge and I am now studying in a school whose teacher is Hussein Ibn Ali (AS) and the students of that school are like Habib Ibn Mazahir, Ali Akbar and Ali Asghar. And I ask you to make me lawful. And I am not satisfied that you cry on my body and in the end pray for the health and well-being of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, and I pray for all the relatives and the right and the righteous and ask for forgiveness and forgiveness.
bless you Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi Baghestan dated 25/4/1375
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