Martyr Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi Baghestan
Father’s name: Shaban Date of birth: August 7, 1972 Place of birth: Baghistan Date of martyrdom: August 6, 1996 Place of martyrdom: Sarayan area Burial place: Baghistan Sofla Sending unit: police force Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi Baghistan Text of the will of martyr Mohammad Hossein Moheb Baghestan “In the name of God” text Will I Mohammad Hossein Mohebbi gardens – Shaban child – was born in 1351. (And those who were killed in the cause of God should not be deceived, but they should be resurrected under their Lord). Do not think that those who are killed in the way of God are dead, but they are the living who receive sustenance from God. Greetings to the great leader of the revolution and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Peace be upon all the martyrs of the path of truth against falsehood. Thank God Almighty for granting this success to the Iranian nation that with the guidance of the Imam K...