Martyr Mohammad Taqi Gomnam Khankuk
Father’s name: Mohammad Ali
Date of birth: January 16, 1969
Place of birth: Khankuk
Date of martyrdom: May 2, 1988
Place of martyrdom: Majnoon Island
Burial place: Khankuk
Sending unit: IRGC
The text of the will of the
anonymous martyr Mohammad Taghi Khankok
( “Name of God”)
those who believe and Hajrva and Jahdva the sake of God Bamvalhm and Anfs·hm most of the time Alfayzvn Uhlik by God and the Qur’an
days I think is why my word and all night, unaware of the condition of the heart myself
of what was to come whither I go, however, I arrived home last Nnmayy
chicken garden soil Mlkvtm half of the world have made a few days, however, my cage
called him everything from her, I mean him his beloved. I hope he greets the holy shrine, but the era of Imam al-Zaman (as) and his successor, Khomeini the Great, and with greetings and peace to all the martyrs of the path of Islam from the beginning until now, and greetings to the honorable families of martyrs, missing and captives and veterans. I start.
I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and I bear witness that he is the highest guardian of the Imam of the Age. O serve me dear Islam.
How many times do I prefer to be crushed by your superpowers and the stubborn enemies of Islam over the best life in this world. And O Hussein, I hoped to come and visit your hexagonal grave, but how much better it is for God to give me the merit of martyrdom and to come and visit you and the other Imams closely.
A few words with my parents: O my parents, peace and blessings be upon you, my wife, and my son, and my brothers, and my sister, and all my relatives, accept my peace for the last time.
I ask you, dear parents, if you have seen me bad or upset, forgive me for your greatness, because you have worked hard for me and I have suffered a lot for you, while I appreciate you for loving me again. I became something that, God willing, I got and I left you. Forgive me for your greatness.
O my wife and my son Sadegh Jan, do not think that I did not want you. You had opened your place in my heart and I was very interested in you, but I fell in love with something that is better than you.
My brother Baqir Salam, I hope that as you trained the warriors, you will work hard for Islam and purify your actions.
And, O my brother Zayn al-‘Abidin, I ask you to fill the trench with my colored blood and, in the greatness of my son, take my weapon together and defend Islam.
And you, my sister, observe your chastity, as you have observed, and allow the Beloved of God to go to the stronghold, do not be impatient in my testimony.
Greet the service of all of you and my relatives and other relatives again, and all of you forgive me for your greatness.
Message to the Hezbollah ummah, fill the fronts and think more about the war, because the situation is much more sensitive than before, and do not ask the Imam of God and the deputy leader of Ayatollah Montazeri, or do not leave him alone and be careful of the actions of the United States. According to Imam Khomeini, he is the great devil of America.
Learn the Qur’an and teach it to others. Brothers of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij and other combat forces, purify your actions and do not seek the presidency, and fight sincerely for the sake of God, so that you may win.
I owe 2.5 months of fasting and 100 days and nights of broken prayers and the right prayer to perform, God willing, and I, as far as I remember, and my wife owe money from a fellow who knows, and whoever wanted a job, pay it, God willing.

Give everything I have to my wife and son, and let my wife go to her father’s house if she wants.
I do not have a cross in the end.
Oh God, Oh God, the Mahdi revolution, Khomeini to keep
poor Mstkyn: Mohammad Taqi Anonymous signed 10 / 2/1367 Khanekuk bury me in heaven martyrs.
Finally, thank you to everyone who attended my funeral.
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