Martyr Mehdi Zare

Father’s name: Haji Ismail

Date of birth: November 13, 1958

Place of birth: Ferdows

Date of martyrdom:  August 10, 1987

Place of martyrdom: Sotouyaneh

Burial place: Ferdows

Sending unit: police force

in the name of God

Mehdi Zare
Mehdi Zare

And there is no praise for those who believe in killing for the sake of God.

Martyr Mehdi Zare was born in 1337 in a middle and religious family in Ferdows. He finished high school and middle school in Ferdows. His nickname was Hashem. He lost his mother as a child. Simultaneously with the rise of the Islamic Ummah, he joined the ranks of the revolutionary Muslims and took an active part in most of the demonstrations. After the Islamic Revolution, he guarded mosques and bases for a long time. The martyr showed great interest in religious affairs and regularly attended Qur’anic meetings and complete prayers and supplications. And was a religious and active member of the staff. Martyr Mehdi Zare carried out his activities in the company of Javad al-Imam. Was. He spent most of his free time reading literary and religious books and was very interested in writing literary poems. He has many poems left in his diary, which reminds him of a delicate taste. He had spent most of his study time there. After graduating, the martyr engaged in agriculture for a while and then went to the sacred service of the army. He spent his military service on the right-against-wrong fronts, and after completing his military service, he joined the gendarmerie for a strong interest in military affairs. The second strong martyr, Mehdi Zare, participated in various operations, including the nationalities of Jerusalem and Azadi, and the operation of Muhammad Rasool. And as a result of his bravery, he showed many letters of appreciation. والسلام After graduating, the martyr engaged in agriculture for a while and then went to the sacred service of the army. He spent his military service on the right-against-wrong fronts, and after completing his military service, he joined the gendarmerie for a strong interest in military affairs. The second strong martyr, Mehdi Zare, participated in various operations, including the nationalities of Jerusalem and Azadi, and the operation of Muhammad Rasool. And as a result of his bravery, he showed many letters of appreciation. والسلام After graduating, the martyr engaged in agriculture for a while and then went to the sacred service of the army. He spent his military service on the right-against-wrong fronts, and after completing his military service, he joined the gendarmerie for a strong interest in military affairs. The second strong martyr, Mehdi Zare, participated in various operations, including the nationalities of Jerusalem and Azadi, and the operation of Muhammad Rasool. And as a result of his bravery, he showed many letters of appreciation. والسلام


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