Martyr Mohammad Hassan Hoveyda
Father’s name: Mohammad Ali
Date of birth: May 18, 1962
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom:April 7, 1987
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Pasdar
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Hassan Hoveyda
In the name of the Lord of the Martyrs and the Righteous,
with greetings and peace be upon Imam al-Zaman (as) and his deputy, Imam Khomeini, and with greetings and peace be upon all the martyrs who fertilized the tree of the revolution with the blood of good blood. Peace be upon you or Aba Abdullah and peace be upon you or the Ansar of the Messenger of God, peace be upon you or the Ansar of the religion.
Service to my parents Hello, a greeting that may not be repeated. I thank God for making me one of the Muslims and I testify that God Almighty is one and the resurrection is the truth and there is the Day of Resurrection and Muhammad is the Prophet of God and Ali is the Guardian of God and the Qur’an is the book of God and Islam is my religion. O God, come and go, and hearts will beat. You have been waiting for him that night, and I hope that you will help me when I am in front of the enemies, so that I can fight the enemies of Islam and the Qur’an only for your own satisfaction. While I am moving towards you, my baggage is nothing but sin and transgression, and I come to you in a state where I am dizzy and ashamed, but I am not disappointed in you, because I know that disappointment in you is one of the great sins. Karima, I ask you to help me to get rid of bad breath when the enemy fires on me. How can I endure your distance and burn in the fire of anger and rage?
There I will say my God Lee Ghirak. O God, I confess that I have sinned, I have neglected the existence of a merciful and merciful God, and I have sinned in the presence of God. I ate salt and broke the salt shaker. You gave me eyes to use them in your way. But I looked at the non-mahram with that look, you listened to me only to hear your words, but I heard the absence. You gave me the opportunity to use it for good, but I betrayed it. You stepped on my right foot, but I went astray. God, however, despite all this, I am afraid of the day when all the friends and comrades of my martyr will line up in front of me and I will be ashamed. How can I turn a blind eye to these loved ones and their parents and relatives and I am afraid of the day when all my members will all testify. God, you helped me and in everything I did in the world, wherever I called you, you answered me and my problem was solved, but instead of giving thanks, I went to the wrong path and I was obedient to the breath and now I am left and ashamed of the world. O God, you were aware that I walked in this holy place, which is the University of Humanization, only for your own pleasure, and I responded to the call of Imam Hussein, and I was fully aware, and now I thought that the Front needed me, but now I felt that I needed the Front. I have, but dear ones who are behind the front, try to benefit from this great grace that if you neglect, you will fall behind the caravan and it will be difficult to make up for it. So come to your senses, a critical time has come, but my parents, if you do not forgive your lowly child, it is very difficult because we are in need and I hope you do not forget to pray for the lowly child and I hope if you become a martyr, make patience and barbarism your profession.
Do not forget to pray for Imam Zaman. I am begging for a special prayer
Tuesday night, 1/18/1366, 9/5, the
humble night of the sinner Mohammad Hassan Hoveida

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