Martyr Hussein Delkhah
Father’s name: Mohammad Ali
Date of birth: July 6, 1968
Place of birth: Mashhad
Date of martyrdom: April 7, 1987
Place of martyrdom: East Basra
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Basij
biography, diary
Student BiographyMartyr Hossein Delkhah Hossein was born in 1347 in religious families of Mashhad. From childhood, great works were visible in him. He did not show much interest in children’s games and avoided childish confrontations and grudges. He successfully completed his primary education in Taybad and his secondary education in Ferdows. During the revolution, although he was not more than 12-13 years old, he participated in marches continuously. Hussein had successfully completed his high school year in 1982 and will leave for the Kurdistan region on 4/4/61 after completing a training course. In the summer of 1982, “Hussein” went with other comrades for 75 days to clean the Kurdistan region from the filth of anti-revolutionary miscreants. When he returned, he went back to the classroom and studied with great effort and earned high grades. Finally, the second year of high school ends, and as soon as the last exam in June is passed, the day of Hussein’s deployment to the front arrives, and along with forty people, he was sent to the west of the country for three months on 21/3/62, during which time in Operation Valfajr 2. And 3 companies. On 14/3/63, he left for the southern region, and from there, he was sent to the western region to participate in the liberation operation of the Kole Ghandi heights and the Do Rajieh checkpoint, and together with his other comrades, he carried out this operation successfully. Despite the end of the three-month mission, before the start of Operation Memek, the commanders asked him to stay on the front for some time and participate in Operation Memek. Another honor goes to Islam. Finally, he returned from the front on 8/24/63 after the end of the operation. Two months had passed since the school year, and Hussein, despite the rebuke and rebuke of some skeptics and biased, began to make up for the backlog with such great effort and seriousness that he passed all the first third exams with high grades and astonished his friends and teachers. . After finishing the fourth year of high school and participating in the national exam of universities and teacher training in 1364, on 27/5/64, he went to the war zone, received the news of being accepted in the front, but decided to stay in the front to get more prepared. He realized the great importance of the doctor on the front, especially during the attack, and had closely felt the blow inflicted on the combat forces by the lack of a doctor. Therefore, after returning from the front on 1/8/65, due to his quality and higher service to the revolution, he made a very serious decision to continue his education in the field of medicine and studied full time and with great effort. The relationship said: “I must be accepted in the university entrance exam and in medicine with a very good grade, because otherwise I will be blamed by the biased and the hypocrites, and this is not my only fault, it is the fault of all those who defend Islam and the Islamic Revolution. They skip classes and set fire to the bloody front, and finally they are accused of laziness, lack of supply, and running away from school. 65 participated. After taking the test, he rushed to the front. Participation in various operations had given him a very strong and strong spirit, and at the height of his self-sacrifice and sincerity, he decided to go to the intelligence and operations unit and play an effective role. Therefore, after completing the entrance exam, he immediately went to the southern region and successfully completed a diving training course. After this complete diving course, Hussein will take part in Operations Karbala 4 and 5 in the southern region. In October 1986, the results of the national exams of the universities were announced and “Hossein” was accepted with an excellent rank in the field of medicine at the University of Tehran. To register, he left for Tehran on time and immediately returned to the southern region. After participating in Operation Karbala 5, he was discharged from the relevant military unit on 11/15/65 and returned to Tehran in late February to continue his medical studies. He leaves. It was less than twenty days after he started studying at the university that Hussein returned. Hussein set foot on the front for the last time on 12/25/65 and took part in Operation Karbala 8 on 1/18/66 in the Shalamcheh area of the Mahi Canal area as the deputy of the line-breaking diver group.
Will of Martyr Hussein Delkhah
In the name of
God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds
After the praise of the Lord of the universe and the creator of the universe, peace and blessings be upon Imam al-Zaman (as) and his rightful deputy, Imam Khomeini, and peace be upon the pure souls of the great martyrs of Islam. I, Hussein Delkhah, who participated in the Islamic Front against infidelity several times with my will and with full knowledge, and I am fully aware of the meaning of the verse “I am God and I am the Returning God” and I was always ready wherever and whenever it was destined. “I will give my precious life in the way of God, and for me the greatest honor and pride and happiness is to be worthy of martyrdom. Because the martyr is forgiven of all his sins and is placed near God and God exchanges his life for heaven.” الهم الرزقنی ». In a few days, an important operation is ahead. شا Our units will participate in this operation. I am going through the best moments of my life and I am very happy to see the proud uniform of an Islamic soldier all over me. Thank God that you have given me so much honor. Peers I enjoy hanging out with and the scent of their tails brings out the scent of heaven. Thank God, you are incapable of intellect and language, but I am not able to thank you, and you know and know what is going on in everyone’s mind.
I recommend to all brothers, comrades and peers of the fronts and stonemasons of school, high school, university and religious brothers to be pious and command the good and forbid the bad, and pay more attention to the orders of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution. Pass as fast as you can so that you are always at ease and graduated. Beware of the hypocritical behavior and absurd talk of the world’s religious traitors. The love of the world is the source of all perversions and misfortunes. Use the blessings of the world that God has created for us according to the commands of Islam and never consider the materialism and splendor of the world as your goal.
My dear brothers, I advise you not to neglect your studies. I advise my dear sisters to be pious and keep the hijab. My noble father and my compassionate and patient mother – first of all, be satisfied with me that your satisfaction is the first condition for approaching God and martyrdom in His way. You have afflicted me and what sufferings you did not suffer and I am indebted to you and may God reward your hard work and sacrifices. Your child has been accepted by God. And if you do not find my body, they will come to greet you on the Day of Resurrection, when all the servants will be gathered. Do not neglect reading the Quran and praying. Our great asset is faith in God and reliance on His eternal power – I ask you zealous people to always be the helper of the Imam and the revolution so that you may win.
Walsalam Hossein Delkhah 2/10/1365 Shalamcheh
Service Unit: Imam Reza (AS) 21st Division, Hazrat Noah Battalion
Memoirs: Quotes from the site to the martyrs
Hussein’s first memory came on leave after Operation Memak. We went to school together to continue our education. One of the teachers, who was not happy with the revolution, told Hussein: “Fighting children are lazy students. Sal Hussein studied so much that he was accepted with a high grade point average and then went to university.
Narrator: Ali Akbar Yari
Hussein’s second memory was injured. After he was released from the hospital, we went to Ferdows. Near the city, Hussein Band opened his hand and hid him under his coat. I asked, “Why are you doing this?” He said: I do not want the fighters who are going to the front to lose their morale when they see my bandaged hand.
Narrator: Mohammad Ali Delkhah
the memories
Interest (mother of a martyr) My son had a strange interest in learning the Quran. After coming home from school, he arrives at the Sahib al-Zaman Mosque before 2 o’clock to attend a Quran recitation class. He said that in addition to reading the Quran, the mosque cleric introduces us to the religious and political issues of the country. Obedient (mother of a martyr) She was a stubborn obedient to Velayat-e-Faqih and had been involved in the medical school many times in defense of Velayat. He went to the front nine times to obey the governorship and finally achieved his dream.
The resentment (of the martyr father) of my son was too restrained not to offend others. He never wore new clothes during Eid and said he did not have my friends, they might be upset. Once one of his friends came home, took him underground. Then I asked why did not you raise him? He said: My friend’s house is not so good and he may be upset. When I asked him the reason for going to all the fronts, he said: Aren’t you a Muslim? You did not hear the message of the Imam! Didn’t they say do not leave the fronts empty! So we have to go to the front, this is a task.
The spirit (father of the martyr) of my son had a strange spirit to be sent to the front, and after he was wounded in the front and his hand was bandaged, he left for Ferdows city. As he approaches Ferdows, he opens his hand and hides under his orkut. When I asked why. He said: The fighters were going to the front; I did not want to lose their temper when I saw my bandaged hands.
Prayer (Martyr’s brother) My brother never left his congregational prayers, even though he had achieved high degrees and was getting his own doctorate. After I was injured and I was hospitalized and he came to see me for the last time, he said: Do you pray every day? I said yes. In any case, whether with tayammum or ablution, I offer my prayers, and there he said: As much as you can offer your prayers in congregation. The lazy (friend of the martyr) Hussein was serious in all his actions and duties. Once, after completing Operation Memek, we went on leave and went to school to continue our education. Then one of the teachers, who was not happy about the revolution, told Hussein: “Children who are fighting are lazy and go to the front to escape from school. Hussein studied so much that he got a high grade in June and was accepted to the university.”

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