Martyr Mohammad Ebrahim Fayyazian
Mohammad Ebrahim Fayyazian
Father’s name: Abolghasem
Date of Birth:July 30, 1959
Location Birth: Ferdows
Date of Martyrdom: March 6, 1987
Place of Martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Burial Place: Ferdows
Dispatcher Unit: Basij karbala 5
Will of Martyr Muhammad Ibrahim Fayyadian in his name and in his memory and for him ان ا… یحب الذین یقاتلون فی سبیله صفا کانهم بنیان مرصوص (سوره صف آیه ۴), god likes those who fight in his way line up as if they are an iron foundation before any speech. An unrestricted humiliation and unlimited humiliation to the holy shrine and the flares of Hazrat Hajjah b. al-Hasan al-Askari, the Imam of the Age, and greetings to the Vicegerent for his right, the Imam of the Ummah, this living and illuminating old man of the time, who is like a shining light in Wadi taught a bright darkness and gave the soulless body of society a spiritual and eternal life and gave infinite greetings to the Tayebi spirits of martyrs from the beginning of Islam to the present day, especially the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and the martyrs of the imposed war of the Zionist regime of Iraq against the Islamic Revolution, who with their pure blood irrigated the nascent seedlings of the Islamic Revolution and gave another vital Islam, and greetings to the brave men in the field of right campaign against falsehoods. The sacrifices create a new epic every day, and greetings to you, the heroic and brave nation of Iran, who did not hesitate to give up your lives and property in the way of advancing the supreme goals of the Islamic Revolution. The infinite thanks of God, who gave us the blessings of Islam and led us to the straight path which is the religion of Muhammad and the wilaya of Ali. Although we were not in the scene of Karbala during the time of Imam al-Husayn (a) and his loyal companions, we have left our unqualified life according to sincerity and help us, now we see in the days of his transherogue Karbala and Hussein Zamaneh as a child of the pure descent of Imam al-Husayn (a) who, like his great grandfather, has risen up against the oppression and ignorance of the times and goes away. And replace true Islam with deviant Islam. Now it is time to take the travel times and come to the aid of Hussein Zaman, so let’s go back to the martyrs and say to the call of Imam Labik and continue their path, although this inexcusable servant and Abd Sarapa do not deserve to consider myself in the field of martyrs, but the message of all martyrs and warriors of Islam is to support and protect Islam and the Islamic Revolution with all my efforts. In the hands of the Imam and never leave him alone and inshallah… Connect this Islamic revolution to the great and universal revolution of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). Now I have a few words with my dear parents and that I ask forgiveness before god the great and then I apologize for the slogans that I could not come to Ferdows to say goodbye and visit you I know some tolerance this is hard, but for the sake of God’s satisfaction and in honor of the blood of our beloved martyrs, patience and perseverance and do not make the enemies of Imam and Islamic Revolution Happy, my dear father and loving mother, you have worked hard in my growth and upbringing for many years and you have spent the night of awakenings and I have not been able to compensate for your infinite efforts and services, and as I should and perhaps do the duty of a child, I may have upset you, so I ask you to forgive you and forgive me, lest you be forgiven at my funeral. And cry because in this case the enemies of the Imam and the Islamic Revolution will be happy. I apologize to my dear brothers and sisters as long as possible because God has given saberin rewards and I apologize to my dear brothers and sisters with their husband, and if they have seen this little servant, they will forgive and ask all relatives, friends and acquaintances for forgiveness. My dear parents first pray for the longevity of our beloved Imam and the victory of the warriors of Islam, as well as for the forgiveness of the sins and sins of this humble servant, at the end of the time, I ask God Afar al-Dhanub and Sattar al-Ayyub for forgiveness and my hope in the great world brings us together with Muhammad and Alash, and I apologize to you my dear father and parents again with the wish of longevity with apology for the imam. And the honor of the Imam and the Ummah of the Imam and the ultimate victory for the warriors of the right of Islam and the freedom of the captives in our ward, I will finish my speech. Vul Salam Ali I Utba al-Huda Muhammad Ibrahim Fayyadian 6/11/1986

The memory of my son Mohammad Ebrahim was present in the region for a long time and he wished to testify that he had been seriously injured in the Jerusalem operation in Khorramshahr in a way that we had almost given up hope of him. One day, when he was almost recovered, the Foundation of Martyrs brought a bag containing moqaderi of justibi money and watches and blood clothes, plus his will, which was also in the bag. He opened the will and tore it up and said with a smile, “This time it was not my turn, but I try to grab it by making myself and being a constant presence in the operation, and finally after five years of that injury in March 1987, it got what it wanted. Narrator: Abolghasem Fayyazian
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