Martyr Mohammad Rezaei Zal
Father’s name: Ahmad
Date of birth: September 8, 1965
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: January 9, 1987
Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization
biography, diary
He was born on September 20, 1965, in the city of Ferdows, in the city of Ferdows, in the whispers of prayers and supplications and in the tenderness of honesty, truth and simplicity of his parents. They named him Muhammad. From the first years of his life, Muhammad’s curiosity and intelligence occupied him for hours, regardless of his surroundings. Seeing his father on the rug spread in the mosque and his mother appealing to the family of Infallibility (AS) introduced him to the mysteries of existence and creation and prepared him for the growth and exaltation of his future personality. Every moment of her character development was conceived and the excavation was great and sacred. Due to his extraordinary genius and talent, he has always been wanted by teachers and teachers in the elementary, middle and high school years from the earliest days of his academic endeavors .
Muhammad was very dignified and heavy and did not speak until he needed to. He was so engrossed in his writings that his friends and some relatives raised scientific issues with him. Abundant intelligence, perseverance in learning various sciences, especially Arabic and Quranic sciences, distinguished him from his peers .
He completed his primary and secondary education in 1978 and in the same years, by studying various books and above his age group, he understood the concepts of struggle, jihad and Islamic values, and therefore in the groups of adolescents in schools in Student demonstrations took an active part, until he entered high school and, in addition to completing his studies, learned the seminary, including Arabic, on a regular basis .
He meditated on all his textbooks; But he followed the Arabic language more to learn and master the Holy Quran . Muhammad’s high school years were the culmination of various political movements that, despite the abundant green garden, never succumbed to skepticism and, despite the deep credibility of their achievements in the context of Islamic values, continued to strive to preserve the achievements of the Islamic Revolution .
In 1983, with the end of high school, his fate had to be decided in a different way. Oke, who had achieved the necessary success in the field of “dentistry” of Mashhad University and also in the entrance exam of “Imam Sadegh (AS) University”, chose Imam Sadegh (AS) to study between these two universities .
He was also distinguished in Imam Sadegh (AS) University. He himself said that I listen to Iranian news in Arabic and at university we try to speak in Arabic .
He was also fluent in English. He was proficient in Islamic teachings and political issues .
Aware of the Islamic Republic’s need for thoughtful, profound, scientific and self-sacrificing human beings at the university, he tried to use all his power .
He was a student who believed in the unity of the seminary and the university . During the imposed war, according to the sense of religious duty and acceptance of the call of the Imam of the Ummah (ra) and the needs of the Islamic Republic, several times during his studies, he was sent to the battlefields of right against wrong, and gained grace for himself from the field of jihad and fighting the enemy of God. کرد. In these circumstances and at the end of his life, Oke, having fully aware of the culture of martyrdom and self-sacrifice, voluntarily joined his comrades in the intelligence and operations unit, in terms of mastering the Arabic language was able to practice his religion during the mission To wage war .
On January 15, 1986, in the battle against the Ba’athist infidels and in the early moments of Operation Karbala 5 on Bavarin Island, east of Basra and the Shalamcheh axis, Muhammad learned what he had learned and acted to meet his beloved .
Truly, the world is the farm of the Hereafter, where Muhammad’s roots were formed in this world, and his flower bloomed in the Hereafter; Or rather, it will be in heaven and in the multitude of divine blessings and holy people of prophets, imams and divine saints .
The text of the will of Shahid Mohammad Rezaei Zal student

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Once again, God’s grace and care included his humble servant and he succeeded in being present among the warriors of Islam and the soldiers of Imam al-Zaman (as) and participated in the world for his sake. I thank God or you for this great blessing that you have bestowed on me, and I want you to make me worthy of this care so that I can be diligent and successful in my duty and take a small step towards the conquest of Karbala and the holy shrines, and God willing, I will be an acceptable soldier for Abd Saleh Maulana al-Azam, the guardian of the rest of the heavens and the earth, Hazrat Hajjah Ibn al-Hassan al-Askari (as). In order to elevate Islam and raise the flag of La ilaha illa’s and Muhammad’s Messenger… in the whole of the universe in their efforts to grant me the final victory, here are a few words as a testament.
1- I advise you, kind parents, to keep God in mind at all times and make piety your profession so that you may be successful in both worlds, have patience in the path of truth, and endure hardships and sufferings for the sake of God, if you will. Success of martyrdom has been given to me. Have patience and know that the world has always been accompanied by sufferings, and with patience and forbearance and with God in mind, problems become easy and God provides rewards and rewards.Remember the sufferings of Hazrat Aba Abda… and other saints of God and ask God for patience and forbearance so that the blessings and mercy of God be upon you. Use your opportunities and your own life for perfection and closeness to God. Have sincerity and perseverance in your lessons and deeds so that you can be useful for Islam and be vigilant while you are in this world, gain virtue for yourself and with a hand full of this world. Emigrate and be free from sins, and be adorned with good morals and good character, and have sincerity, and remember God and the Hereafter in all cases, so that you may be saved.
2- I sincerely thank you, dear parents, for your tireless efforts and suffering for our upbringing and upbringing, and if I have been negligent and guilty about you, and possibly caused you resentment and unhappiness, Forgive me and ask God for forgiveness and mercy for me and pray for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, my dear brothers and sisters, I also ask you to forgive my mistakes and ask God for forgiveness and mercy.
3- Regarding the money, books and tools that I had, I mentioned in the previous wills. One of my friends named Mohammad Reza Zeinali Beyk and two thousand tomans is the hand of Mr. Amir Rasouli, a fifth year student of propaganda, which was taken for him by Mr. Bayat. The rest of the money is in the wardrobe of the university. It is from the front money and the money from the university tuition and the money that my father gave me and I have not paid khums for the money or my books so far. They do and use the books in any way they see fit, or my brother uses them, or they give them to the university library, or the student’s friends also testify about my fasts and prayers.I have already mentioned the previous letter, I just have to say that this year, the holy month of Ramadan, I have not fasted for about 18 days, which must be made up for.
4- There are two previous wills, one from the year 1363 and the other in April of this year, which is in a folder on the ground floor of the university textbooks, which you can see. Let our mistakes and mistakes pass and ask God for forgiveness and mercy for the forgiveness of my sins. May God place all of us next to His mercy with His saints.
And at the end of our prayers, praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and to the family of Ali Muhammad, and to the family of the pure, may God bless Ali Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and hasten their departure, and strike them with their love, and send them to their abode.
Mohammad Rezaei Zal
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