Martyr Mohammad Hussein Ghorbani
Father’s name: Asadullah
Date of birth: September 23, 1961
Date of martyrdom: January 9, 1987
Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization
Biography of Martyr Mohammad Hossein Ghorbani

In the name of the Lord of the martyrs and the righteous
The above is even the one who is killed for the sake of A’s, and if he is killed for the sake of A’s, then he is superior.
There is no other good with any goodness until it is martyred in the way of God. As soon as he is martyred in the way of God, there is no goodness higher than that.
It is a story of another martyr, a martyr lying on the ground and blood of the Habilian dynasty. He fell to the ground and his pure blood fell on his hot throat.
Martyr Mohammad Hossein Ghorbani was born in a small and humble Kaaba in a working class family in Ferdows. It was not long after his youth that his noble father lost his life in an accident, and in this regard, his uncle took care of him and his family. He spent his youth with hardship and hardship. He had affection and forgiveness, and the fleeting pleasures of the world were measured against his steadfast will. As a young man, he was well versed in reciting the Qur’an and praying. He spent his free time reading religious and political books. مینمود.
Before the victory of the Revolution, Shahid Ghorbani used the information he had to expose the nature of the hated imperial regime and spread the Imam’s proclamations in mosques among the people. He informed the people about the cases. His other classmates took part in street demonstrations against the brutal Pahlavi regime and invited family members to do the same.
Until Islami won under the leadership of the Prophet of the Imam of the Nation and he became a member of the Islamic Association of the Student Association and began his activities in this field, he believed that Islam needs to be sacrificed at all times and we must do everything to achieve it. Let’s leave our own thing because we have no value without it and it was based on this belief that by issuing a public mobilization order by the Imam, he responded to his call and immediately registered to fight against the counter-revolution and mobilize the oppressed. And the beginning of the imposed war goes to the battlefields.
At the end of 1359, he eagerly went to the front with some other brothers. He went to the Khuzestan front voluntarily but lovingly to fight the Ba’athist infidels. He eagerly awaited his return to the front, so after eight months he returned to the front. At this point, he was assigned to Kurdistan to fight the internal counter-revolution. Martyr Ghorbani spent three months on the Kurdish front in villages under the control of the counter-revolution and the Democratic Party. And Komoleh fought and after the end of the mission, he returned to his hometown and started his activity behind the front. He believed that whatever man wants to do should be for the pleasure of God, whether he wants to serve on the front or behind the front. It was in this context that he said that man should even open and close his shoelaces for the sake of God.
Mohammad Hussein’s morals and behavior with his friends and comrades were good and pleasing, and in all cases he made more piety and sincerity of intention, and always asked his friends to purify their deeds.
He himself had become so pure that whenever he went on leave for a few days after two months in the front, he would spend his days off as a recommended fast, and at night he would go to bed with ablutions at bedtime.
His night prayers were never abandoned, even when he returned from the front as a leave and arrived at his destination at night in the last hours of the night. The Sto Front had to spend its life in the front, and it was in this regard that he was sent to the front again. This time he served in the Khuzestan front and participated in the Ramadan operation, creating epics in this operation. He took part in the Jerusalem operation and this time he was injured and was hospitalized in Tabriz hospital. He was treated at home for some time and lost his mental state due to the intensity of the explosion. Was .
In this regard, he was deprived of the battlefields for a while, and after some recovery from the blast wave, due to the fact that the fragments had not yet been removed from his body, he went to southern Lebanon to fight against falsehood with the help of the Palestinian brothers for six months. He remained and returned to Iran after completing his mission, but because his work there was constructive and had been praised by the local commanders, he was again summoned to serve Ibnan as a model Basij.
But he accepted with pride and authority and went back to Lebanon. He was in Lebanon for six and a half months, when he was in charge of guarding the embassy of the Islamic Republic. He was not Asadullah and considered himself a child of the revolution. Therefore, whenever he returned from his mission, his uncle proposed to him, saying that he was married to the revolution and that he should defend the country. He advised his friends to never do anything. Do not let the blood of the martyrs be trampled.
The martyr’s victim had a special morality, he maintained his piety in all matters, and he was so constrained in relation to the first time prayer that whenever he was present, he would recite his obligatory prayers aloud on time, the recommended fasts and the night prayers. He did not stop and always went to bed with ablution.
Martyr Ghorbani never calmed down and rushed to the fronts again. The pilgrims of the Red Road chose martyrdom and inherited it from their master, Hussein Ibn Ali. This is the hadith that connects such enthusiasts.
And the magical voice of emigration in their ears echoes in my ears. The courage of Mohammad Hussein was an example of the courage of the soldiers of the early Islam and he had such a strong and persevering spirit. Going to Pashto was derived from derivations and hardships.
And he always made himself well in the midst of the divine test. He was so eager to reach his beloved. He never complained of pain and did not express so much love that he considered it sweet from hardships. This time, too, he eagerly participated in Operation Karbala 5, and on 10/23/65, over the pact that had been made for the protection of the Islamic Revolution, he renounced the truth and rushed to see Janan.
((His soul is happy and his way is fruitful))
A film about the body of martyr Mohammad Hossein Ghorbani

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