Martyr Mahmoud Beikizadeh
Father’s name: Muhammad Ismail
Date of birth: February 24, 1969
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: January 13, 1987
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization
A film about the headless body of a martyr
biography, diary
In a religious and sincere family, a child was born named Mahmoud. He was born on 5/12/1347 in Ferdows city. He spent his childhood in the arms of his family and indescribable purity and intimacy, and then entered primary school. After completing elementary and middle school, he entered the conservatory of Dr. Mohammad Javad Bahonar Ferdows to continue his education, and studied road and construction with his martyr friend Parviz Sharafi.
Martyr Mahmoud Beikizadeh collaborated with revolutionary organs from the very beginning of the revolution. During his secondary education, he served the Islamic Revolution with his presence in the Islamic Association and then as a member of the Central Council of the Islamic Association of Ferdows County Office.
The martyr was the manifestation of sincerity, purity, intimacy and love. In social work, you have always been a pioneer and always in the face of problems, perseverance and endurance. His heavenly face spoke of his worship and the night of his resurrection. Sincerity, spirituality and courage, which were the hallmarks of the Basijis, rippled in his face. He spoke very little and focused more on the continuous and tedious work and effort in the Islamic Association. Excessive and exhausting work could never exhaust him, but his desire for the ideals of the revolution and the Imam increased day by day. He had a lot of love and affection for the Imam of the Nation. Adherence to commitments and fulfillment of the covenant were his hallmarks.
Martyr Mahmoud Beikizadeh was sent to the front three times during his lifetime with his blessing. In the first stage, he struggled with Kurdistan against the revolution and self-proclaimed elements for three months. He participated in Operation Karbala I for the second time and was sent to Ilam. After the liberation of Mehran, he returned to Ferdows, and in the last stage, he worked as a tool watchman in the 21st Brigade of Imam Reza (AS).
His heart was filled with martyrdom, which was the way to reach God. He constantly tried to use every means to achieve martyrdom. Therefore, as soon as he realized that it was not possible to go to the front due to the large force in the equipment category, he immediately went to one of the combat battalions that had a serious mission in Karbala 4 and Karbala 5 and was in the same battalion at dawn on 10/23/ In 1986, he was martyred. Operation Karbala 5 in the Shalamcheh area was the ascent of this martyr. great blessing and great memory.
Source: Documents and Publications Office of the General Office of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Foundation of South Khorasan
In the name of the Most Merciful,
with the greetings of the service of Mr. Imam Zaman and his rightful deputy, the Imam of the Nation, and with greetings to the congregation, always on the scene of Iran, and greetings to you, my dear family. Now that I am on the battlefield, I wanted to write a few sentences as a testament to make my soul happy. And I bear witness to God that my goal is to help Islam and the religion of Muhammad (PBUH) and to practice the religion that is on my shoulders. And I am proud that God will teach these sinners, and I ask all of you to ask God for forgiveness for this despicable person, and at the same time, I have several religions on my neck that I will leave to you because I did not have the opportunity to do so. You know how to do it yourself.
First, I did not intend to pray for a month with the intention of praying and fasting, which may not have been possible or was lost due to negligence, which I could not do, because I could not do it myself. Also, 5 days of fasting from this year and 2 days from two years ago that I did not do, and I ask you to perform them and observe with them. Also, please, of course, give some money as much as you know on behalf of this lowly person to the poor and wherever you see fit. In the end, I ask you, my dear parents, to be satisfied with me, Ziza, that I have asserted your rights as I should and perhaps, as well as all my brothers and sisters, to ask me for forgiveness, and I also apologize to them, and also I ask you not to whisper or cry for me. And, God forbid, do not say anything that makes the enemies happy and crooked.
Mahmoud Bikizadeh

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