Martyr Gholam Hossein Gholami

Date of birth: July 26, 1956

Place of Birth: Boroun

Date of martyrdom: January 12, 1987

Place of martyrdom:  Shalamcheh

Landfill: Boroun

Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization

A film about the body of Martyr Gholam Hossein Gholami

A corner of the biography of Martyr Gholam Hossein Gholami  Martyr Gholam Hossein Gholami was born in 1315 AH in a moderate and religious family in the village of Barun. At the beginning of his youth, he was deprived of his father’s blessings. According to the memories of his brother and friends, from the very beginning of his youth, he paid great attention to the first time prayer and always respected others and was loved by the villagers. In order to earn a living, in addition to working, he set up a small shop to make a living. Due to the observance of what is lawful and unlawful, God soon found his place among the people, and people from all over the village came to his shop to buy. During the victorious years of the Islamic Revolution, he, like other revolutionaries, fought against the Shah’s regime. His small shop was a place of propaganda for the revolution and the Imam. He considered it an honor to serve in the Basij and was very interested in the Imam. With the beginning of the imposed war, he rushed to the battlefields of truth against falsehood several times, and finally in 1986, he achieved a high degree of martyrdom in the victorious operation of Karbala V.

The text of the will of Martyr Gholam Hossein Gholami

Greetings to the savior of the human world, Imam Zaman (as), and greetings to the servants of Islam and the Islamic country, and greetings to the martyrs of Islam from the beginning until now.
According to my religious duty, I knew that I would write down wills after myself, and I wrote this note with full intellect, with perseverance and with my own will, which is binding and obligatory for them to act on. Insha’a…
And even after me, I put my wife and my son Mahdi to help them do their duty in all matters with authority, and the things that I command and testament are as follows:
1- About my wife :
My wife’s dowry should be entirely her own and the money I have counted for the Hajj trip should be for herself.
2- Regarding my children:
Whenever Mahdi Kabir becomes, he will go on Hajj instead of me and perform deeds so that my religion will be out of my control.
3- Regarding property:
The property that is left from one third of it to be spent on shrouds, burials, mustahabs and Hajj pilgrimages. Spend one-third of my own whenever my mother dies in funerals and other ceremonies as needed:
and order to other brothers and bank employees (Sepah, Mellat and Saderat) whenever my guardian comes and comes for a deposit He wanted to take the money. I request that you cooperate fully. And finally, my wife’s order to take good care of the children and raise and raise them in a good and divine and reformed way.
And my recommendation to my son Mehdi: Mehdi, my son, treat your sisters well and make them your own and accept them to the end and fulfill the peace of the womb at all times.
And do not give up on Imam Khomeini and his companions and always obey the order of Imam Khomeini.

Peace be upon you and mercy… Blessings – Ghulam Hussain Gholami

A memory of the child of a martyr:I remember the last time he was on leave for the front in January 1965, we had a very cold winter. I accompanied him until he got on the bus. Very early in the morning, we were waiting for the bus at the entrance of the old water storage. There was no one in the alley. I was shivering from the cold. He threw his heater on my shoulder. There was nothing wrong with getting permission, but now that it is not, he may not be satisfied. My son, catching a cold is better than people’s dissatisfaction and God’s wrath. He had great respect for the rights of the people.


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