Martyr Gholam Ali VatanParast
Father’s name: Ismail
Date of birth: July 27, 1970
Place of birth: Sorond
Date of martyrdom: January 15, 1987
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Landfill: Sorond
Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization
The text of the will of Martyr Gholam Ali Watanparast

Name: Gholam Ali surname: patriotic ID No: 6
Name of the Father: Ismail Date of birth: 1349 Address: Khorasan – paradise city – the village screen.
In the name of the Lord of the Martyrs and the Righteous
And those who were killed for the sake of God the dead, but revived in the presence of their Lord Yarzqun with greetings and peace to the presence of the Guardian of the Age (our souls for the introduction of redemption) and greetings to the great leader of the Islamic Revolution, now that I succeeded to fight again on the front Righteousness versus falsehood, and now that at any time the thought of the ascension of the kingdom appears in my mind, I found it necessary to put a few words on paper as a testament, so that my purpose in this way may be clear. Based on my sense of religious responsibility, at this time when the preservation and survival of Islam requires blood donation, I decided to take part in the holy Islamic struggle, and I hope that God will grant me my long-cherished dream and the success of martyrdom in its path. Turn around.
As for the motivation for coming to the front, I must say that my goal is to continue the path of the martyrs and to respond to the call of Hussein Zaman and to perform the religious duty that everyone is obliged to fight in the way of God and for the stability of Islam and the Qur’an. And crush the enemy of the infidel with a tongue so that all the arrogant ones will understand that Islam is the religion of God and whoever wants to face Islam will be destroyed. In this regard, I call on the entire Muslim nation to listen to the voice of the Supreme Leader and appreciate this dear leader, because the existence of this great leader is truly a great blessing that God has given to the Muslims of the world, which is urgent during the absence of the Imam. The Almighty God, Farjah Al-Sharif, utters the word of truth on his tongue and strives for the awakening of all Muslims and the oppressed of the world.
And I thank God Almighty for giving me my life at a time when I grew up in an Islamic society and at this age of adolescence I can fight for him, and my call is for Nasser Yensrani, Imam Hussein (as), the master of martyrs. It is still heard from the desert of Karbala, let me say it and prove it, O dear Hussein, although at the time when you lost your best loved ones and you cried out for oppression through your thirsty lips and no one answered, I was not there to answer, but at this time I answered your child’s call and rushed to your aid. May the way of Karbala be opened to the lovers of Aba Abdullah soon by the warriors of Islam with the help of God. As for all my friends, I apologize and I hope they forgive all my mistakes.
(Burial place): Sarand village
, God, God, until the Mahdi Revolution, Khomeini Neghdar (Battalion): Falak 2
Remembrance of Martyr Gholam Ali WatanparastIf you ask the graduates of Taleghani High School in 1988 for experimental and mathematics diplomas in memory of Martyr Gholam-Ali Watanparast from Sarand village, they will all testify to the intelligence, talent and honesty of this man. We were classmates. In the summer of 1986, he went to the fronts without being noticed by his classmates and was injured, but none of his classmates were aware of this.I was spending the Cod project training course (one day a week of practical internship outside the high school education system) in Ferdows Hospital, when I noticed that he was hospitalized to remove the fragments from his body, and I asked him how he was, and he briefly explained and asked me. He promised not to tell his classmates about going to the front in the summer and his injuries because he did not believe in the idea of hypocrisy and pretending to do so. You are an excellent student and do not go to the front, but he went to the front in the army of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and was martyred in Operation Karbala V. He always advised us friends who came to our houses on weekends and advised that instead of every week, you go to the village every week so that your prayers are not broken in Ferdows and you can make ten days’ intentions. I knew my moral duty to the best and the unique features of this Dvkhatrh to stand this great martyr martyr and patriot exclude certain people remember and cherish forever be 35 years old Rvjsh classmates doctor Ismaili |
Patriotic martyrs, Mr. and Mr. Zarei

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