Martyr Gholam Ali Taghvaei

Father’s name: Hussein

Date of birth: July 5, 1968

Place of birth: Ferdows

Date of martyrdom: January 9, 1987

Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr

Burial place: Ferdows

Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization

biography, diary:

Martyr Gholam Ali Taghvaei, son of Hussein, was born on 4/14/1347 in Ferdows. His childhood was accompanied by considerable suffering and hardship, by the will of the wise and wise God. At the age of 36 days, he contracted a serious illness which he recovered during his illness, with the sincere prayers of his mother and the will of God Almighty. After Azshfa from illness, earthquake of 1347 struck paradise this era, the days filled with suffering for the family piety  befitting d.

Martyr Gholam Ali Taghvaei became acquainted with prayer, fasting and religious circles from an early age. He completed his primary and secondary education in his hometown and due to his interest in technical work (plumbing and electrical engineering), he completed his secondary education at Shahid Bahonar Ferdows Conservatory.

Reading books (especially the books of Shahid Motahhari) and helping his father with household chores were among his activities during his unemployment. Attending the Basij base of Shahid Sheikhizadeh and participating in the activities of the Islamic Association were also among his other programs during his adolescence and youth. He was always disgusted with people’s deviant ideas. He also played an important role in revolutionary activities such as participating in marches and distributing leaflets.

Martyr Taqvaee was first sent to the front at the age of 16. On 10/19/1365, during the Karbala 5 Shalamcheh operation, while the divers of the 21st Imam Reza (AS) Division  were leaving the constructed tunnel under the embankment and the place was hit by an Iraqi mortar shell, in the meantime, Martyr Gholam Ali Taghvaei He achieved martyrdom and joined the great number of martyrs of the holy defense. great blessing and great memory.

Source: Documents and Publications Office of the General Office of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Foundation of South Khorasan

The text of the will of the student Gholam Ali Taghvaei 

In the name of the Lord of the martyrs and
the truthful, these wills shake man and wake him up “Imam Khomeini”
With many greetings to the guides of the path of light from darkness and with greetings to the memory of the prophets of Hazrat Mohammad Ibn Abda ص (PBUH) and with greetings and greetings to the master and ruler of the martyrs Hazrat Aba Abda… Al-Hussein and with greetings to Imam Asr (AS) and greetings His rightful deputy, the Imam of the Ummah, and with greetings to the warriors who fight against infidelity and infidelity against Islam, I testify to the heroes of the night and the resistance of the day and the lions of the day and the ascetics of the night. In the mission of Hazrat Mohammad Ibn Abda ص (PBUH) as the Seal of the Prophets and the last of the Messengers, I testify to the Imamate of Hazrat Amir al-Mu’minin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) and I consider him and his son as the only successors to the Prophet’s right and I am proud to be a Shiite. I am him and I hope that I will enjoy the intercession of Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) and her children, these innocent people, and the family of purity and purity. انشاءا…
O God, death is the right of all human beings, and everyone must leave this mortal world one day, so how much better it is to be blessed and exalted in the way of God, O God, now that I am determined to destroy the enemy in your back, and all the dangers of this path I have bought my life and I am ready to destroy the enemy وا and if I was martyred in this holy way, I am very proud to have achieved my wish ‌ God forgive us and treat us with your grace oh God, I have committed many sins and transgressions and I am ashamed of my deeds, but God, I hope in your grace.But, my dear parents, be proud and do not be sad, my dear parents, although I know that I could never be a good and worthy child for you, but I ask you to be pleased with me and allow me to be pleased with you and God. I apologize to you, dear sisters, and I know that I harassed you a lot and made you unhappy, but all this was due to my ignorance, and now that I think I am ashamed of myself, I ask you to be satisfied with me and also with all my relatives. And I want the near thieves to be pleased with me because now I understand that I always upset everyone with my actions and words. Be pleased with me and do not be satisfied with my torment and shame before God Almighty.My deeds and words upset everyone. Be satisfied with me and do not be satisfied with my torment and shame before God Almighty.My deeds and words upset everyone. Be satisfied with me and do not be satisfied with my torment and shame before God Almighty.
God, be pleased with me and do not accuse me of my ugly deeds, because God, I hope for your grace and dignity.
I also ask all the people who have a right on my neck to be satisfied with me and make me lawful. Whoever asked me to return his right to him, I also owe him 2 days of obligatory fasting that must be performed. The more the better, and if you give me some alms, think of me, especially on the first night of the grave, whose pressure and torment is greater than the torment of the whole world. I hope that your grace and dignity will include us “or the Most Merciful”

Peace be upon you and mercy… and blessings of
Gholam Ali Taqvaee


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