Martyr Alireza Esmaeil Kamal
Alireza Esmaeil Kamal
Father’s name: Mohammad Reza
Date of Birth:December 6, 1970
Birthplace: Ferdows
Date of Martyrdom: January 24, 1987
Martyrdom Site: Shalamcheh
Burial Place: Ferdows
Dispatcher Unit: Basij 5
Shahid Alireza Esmaeil Kamal was born on 15/12/1970 in the city of Islamia from The City of Ferdows and was educated in his hometown and in the religious environment of the family. During his education, he had the utmost seriousness for his studies and assignments, and therefore all teachers and office staff were satisfied with him. He spent his spare time helping his father with the farm and garden. At the age of 8, Shahid learned to recite the Holy Qur’an completely and, given his great interest in reciting verses, always recited a few verses of Qur’an after his prayers. His interest in Imams (a), especially Imam al-Husayn (a), was so much that in addition to attending the mourning ceremonies of the martyrs’ lord and patriarch, he encouraged his friends to do so. He was also very fond of Imam Khomeini and listened carefully to his commands. Dear Martyr, he considered the war against blasphemy and considered our war as a war of right against falsehood. This tradition and his belief has strengthened the love of fighting against the Ba’athist enemy in his existence until finally, on 4/11/1986, in the operational area of Shalamcheh, he achieved his greatest wish as a result of his shrapnel, which was martyrdom in the way of God. Martyr Aziz in a part of his will addressed to his classmates and his companions says: ……….. Also, if I wish to be martyred, I expect my fellow jews and other friends to fill my place in the bastion of the Besij and also ask my fellow residents to be as close as before in their lessons to continue my path and other martyrs.
His soul is happy and his path is full of monks.
The text of the will of Martyr Alireza Esmaeil Kamal (Bissam Rab al-Shuhada and al-Sadiqin)) (and La Tahsab al-Dhin Murdered by Moustache Allah Amwa Taqlid revival of ‘Ned Rabham Yarzaqoon) ((It is believed that those who are killed in the way of God are dead, but they are alive and eat in the sight of their God)) with greetings and greetings before the holy gentleman, Imam Zaman Ruhi and the spirits of al-Alamin. Lamqadama al-Fada and greetings to the vicegerent of Imam Khomeini and greetings to the deputy leader of Ayatollah Montazeri and the rest of the islamic republic and with great greetings to the Ummah always on the stage of Iran and with great salaam on the ghayyur and zafarmand warriors of Islam on the fronts of light against darkness that are going to liberate the path of Quds which passes through Karbala and greetings. You are always a nation in the scene of Ferdows – Islamia and the suburbs. As a student warrior, as an Islamic and human duty, I serve you, the Ummah, always on the scene, and my dear parents, brothers, sisters, and dear relatives. although i am too young to message . I ask the Ummah of Martyr Parvar Ferdows – Islamia and the suburbs as they have previously tried to preserve their Islamic and human ideals. Because: (Ansara Allah Yankram) and also if I wish to be martyred, I expect my classmates and other friends to fill my place in the basij trenches and also ask my classmates to continue my path and other martyrs as before in their lessons. And my other conversation is with my parents and relatives. I ask my dear father and grieving mother not to cry at all after my martyrdom, because my wages will be reduced and they should even be proud that they have offered such a child to their Islamic revolution. If you have seen evil from me, my father and my mother, I hope you will forgive you with your greatness and honor, and I ask my dear brothers and sisters not to cry after my martyrdom and instead fill my vacancy in the community. I ask my dear mother to perform Fridays regularly for Ja’far prayers. In addition, the other words I had with my sympathetic and chermatic teachers that I thank them very much and I hope they will be pleased with me. Finally, I want you to bury my body in Akbar’s paradise along with other martyrs of Ferdows. God, God, keep The Mahdy Khomeini Until the Revolution

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