Martyr Ahmad Edalatjoo

Ahmed Adalgo
Ahmed Adalgo

Father’s name: Gholam Ali

Date of birth:  November 24, 1962

Place of birth: Ferdows

Date of martyrdom: January 9, 1987

Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr

Burial place: Ferdows

Sending unit: Karbala 5

The text of the will of Martyr Ahmad Edalatjoo

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate,
Hussein Ibn Ali (peace
be upon him) said: Divide the way of God with the sword.
Greetings to our Lord and the only savior of the world, the possibility and honor of jinn and mankind and the angels of Hazrat Vali-e-Asr (AS), the spirit and souls of the worlds for redemption, and greetings and greetings to the rightful deputy of that great Imam Khomeini , And the supreme leader of Shiism and greetings to the good souls of the martyrs of Islam from the beginning of Islam to the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and the war imposed on me by Ahmad Adalatjoo, the son of the late Gholam Ali. Twelve Shiites, proud of the citizenship of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who has found the honor of being a martyr for the rightful ideals of this divine system. It is hoped that the brothers and sisters will study and listen to these words from the words of a person who is not among you now and learn a lesson from the world, and use what he sees as good in it.
1- People who are heroes and martyrs: always follow the Imam and listen to his command, and after accepting him as a leader and inviting him to this country, do not break your promise, otherwise our name, in addition to the protected tablet of God in history, will be like the name of shame. The people of Kufa will remember that then regret will not be of any use, because all the days of the dead, the place of the dead are not the end of the hour and we are not the first. We must answer all this blood of the holy martyrs and their children in the presence of divine justice.
2- O people who have been so taken by the manifestations of this deceptive world and your love for wife, house and children and love for this rotten body have paralyzed you; You have no power to separate from them at all, unless you have read this verse from the Holy Qur’an, which God says: O you who believe, what is the reason that when you are commanded to jihad in the way of God, you will not leave the earth immediately Are you satisfied with the life of this world instead of the eternal life of the Hereafter? The worldly possessions in the sight of the Hereafter are few and far between. You can not harm God, and God has power over all things. (Repentance verses 7 2 and 38)
So, according to the words of the Holy Prophet of Islam, fight again, inherit the inheritance of your children, and leave a legacy and greatness for your children.
3. Those who, after six years of wandering from the imposed war, while still receiving large salaries and benefits from the Muslim treasury, have so far refused to go to the front, are afraid to come even for a few short days to learn military techniques
. Insha’Allah, after the war, if a person is a good deity, if a family is mourning a martyr, he will not tolerate their presence in their office and workplace, even if he makes outward appearances and deceived people and is at the forefront of prayers. And they deliberately put a stick in the wheel of the revolution and give it to the people of the parties..‌. They say bad things and humiliate them, which is obvious.

4- Because God will not forgive the rights of the people, I ask all those who hear or see these words in some way to make this rebellious servant of God lawful and forgive me, maybe I have been absent from them or I have another right from them. Anyway, at the moment my hand is short and I am in dire need of the world.
5- As for talking to the dear Pasdaran and Basij heroes who are the rightful soldiers of Imam al-Zaman (as)’s brothers, I desperately ask you not to leave the IRGC and Basij stronghold empty and do not neglect to go to the front, do not tell me that I am gone, it is the turn of the others. Go. Islam always needs help, my brothers. Pay more attention to spirituality. Pay close attention to the Friday prayers and congregational prayers, which are the basis of our system, and do not neglect because God expects you more than others. Minimize your expectations and Do not dwell on this mortal world except cultivating the baggage of the Hereafter, because your Lord considers the value of the world to be inferior to a drop of water if you are constantly in the suffering of the world and the instability in your home and life, and you are in short supply. God forbid you do not complain because:
whoever is closer to this party, they will give him more cups.
Let the pretentious gluttons and money-lovers in the world say that everything belongs to them
6- People should know that I did not come to the front for which God unwittingly received the benefits of the world, or I did not come to the front to get a few wajibs of soil, but I came here first, for the day which, according to God, is fifty thousand years long. I have a baggage and I should not be ashamed and ashamed in front of the prophets and imams. And in this way and in this way, I ask God to help me to be alone in the last moments and have a good end, and God forbid that my hand should not fall on the trigger for evil evil breath, etc., and I ask my dear family and mother that if God He wished that my body was lost and did not reach you. Do not be impatient and be satisfied with God’s servant, because it is the principle of the soul that must rest in good places.We go up and down, and the body is made of dust and low and wherever it is, it will return to the earth, so:
If he lives, we crave life friend pity is not love, more love from John was
the end of all ask me for forgiveness and seek blessings from Allah to die as a martyr in the way I said I would if imams, Mr. Haji Mr. Alizadeh used to pray on my corpses and if possible, they would offer 17 rak’ats for me as a precautionary prayer for one day, and in the presence of the Hezbollah ummah, they would ask for my forgiveness and ask God to help me to be killed.

Poultry garden soil Mlkvtm half of the world a few days my body cage made of
elegantly styled cage Alhanst not good for me to go to thy pleasure that it Chmnm chicken
me in terms of home Hvrast’s home because the home Khrabatyan Bkvy

And peace be upon you and your mercy and blessings


Shahid Ahmad Adalat Joo
State Martyrs-Leopard-Justice Seeker
Shahid Ahmad Adalat Joo


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