Martyr Waliollah Okhravi Mohebbi
Father’s name: Assadaleh
Date of birth: March 29, 1964
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: December 25, 1986
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Revolutionary Guards 5
biography, diary
Martyr Valiollah Akhravi Mohebbi was born on 9/1/1343 in Ferdows city and was martyred on 10/4/1365 in Shalamcheh.

May God give you a place where there is a language that praises you
O God, make this poor slave want from you and be for you
In the name of the One who is unique in nature and in the unique attributes, in the name of the one who chose the souls of the lovers for himself and filled their existence with love to meet them and lit the candle of their existence from the torch of his knowledge so that he did not know the head and for him They go and sacrifice their lives for him.
I testify to the Oneness of God, the Blessed and Exalted, and I testify that the Holy Prophet, his Messenger, and Imam Ali (as) are the successors to the right of the Holy Prophet of Islam.
This is how the martyr Valiullah Akhravi Mohebbi begins his will. He was born on the 9th of Farvardin 1343 in Talar neighborhood of Ferdows city. He was raised in a religious family and completed his elementary education until graduating from the experimental sciences in 1982 in his hometown. He was patient and quiet, and he treated others in a way that did not cause them any harassment, and all his relatives were satisfied with him. He was passionate about religious issues and revolutionary passion, so that his active presence in the marches during the revolution and after the victory of the revolution was quite evident. A revolutionary, he was very opposed to hypocritical groups and individuals, and for this reason he spent his sacred military service in the Revolutionary Guards for 18 months in the western part of the country, fighting against the Komala and hypocrites. His love for fighting the enemy and participating in the right-against-wrong fronts had caused him to think only of the front and the war and pursue his sacred ideals during his holy military service, despite being accepted in the officer’s college, teacher training and university. After completing his military service, he was sent to the front again through the Basij several times and became an official member of the IRGC in the same war zones. He was sent to the front at least 20 times and took part in 17 small and large operations, including: various operations in Kurdistan, Valfajr 2 and 4, Karbala 2 and 4, Khorramshahr and 3. When he came on leave, he was restless to go to the front. He served on the front as an intelligence and operations force and wrote a will eleven times, finally speaking to God as follows: He was sent to the front at least 20 times and took part in 17 small and large operations, including: various operations in Kurdistan, Valfajr 2 and 4, Karbala 2 and 4, Khorramshahr and 3. When he came on leave, he was restless to go to the front. He served on the front as an intelligence and operations force and wrote a will eleven times, finally speaking to God as follows: He was sent to the front at least 20 times and took part in 17 small and large operations, including: various operations in Kurdistan, Valfajr 2 and 4, Karbala 2 and 4, Khorramshahr and 3. When he came on leave, he was restless to go to the front. He served on the front as an intelligence and operations force and wrote a will eleven times, finally speaking to God as follows:God! I’m tired of writing a will. Accept me. Finally, during Operation Karbala 4, as a diver, after four years of trying to reach the goal and the Islamic homeland, he rushed to visit the idol in the Shalamcheh area after being hit by shrapnel. He, whose will was prepared for the pleasure of meeting the deity, writes:
Yes, I wrote a will many times and repeatedly put my last words on paper, but to no avail, and with shame I had to tear it up after a while and write another one because I still did not deserve to join the great multitude of martyrs, because I still did not repent. I had not done it realistically, because I had not yet purified my intention, and God forbid that anyone should go to the front without sincerity of intention and for someone other than God, which causes destruction in both worlds. But this time, as I write these words, it is different from the previous times, this time my heart promises something else, the promise of victory or martyrdom or pilgrimage, which is both victory, which is the best victory, victory over the world in all its appearance. His deceiver (God willing, this will be the last time I write a will)
Yes, O world, turn away from me who has thrown my bridle over my back, freed myself from the clutches of your predator, and escaped from your traps. To God, who is your tam and your humiliation, I will not be able to follow you wherever you want and I will not give my restraint to you, wherever you want to go.
God, this is the fifteenth time I come to your front.
Baralha, I ask you not to send me on leave as shamefully as before.
God, I ask you not to disappoint me this time and to wish that bloody martyrdom is on your way.
Eat my blood, it will be redder, take my throat, I will be more alive
His beautiful advice to the people is as follows: And a word to you brothers who carry my corpse on your hands to its eternal place:
First with those who have never been to the front. How long do you want to see your youth and elders rolling in the dust and blood, and it will continue to be normal for you, and do not think about helping and going to the front at all? If all else fails, get ideas from others.
As for you brothers who have gone to the front so far, 45 days or three months, it is true that your mission is over, but is the war over? Unless you do not know the obligation without a problem, unless with a few promises of praying, the prayer is abolished from man, today the war is like this, the war is not a quota and a turn. War is war, and the victory of the revolution and the pride of Islam and the Qur’an in the world depend on victory in war, and today going to the front and war until the final victory over all military, army, worker, farmer, market, employee and all those who have the ability It is obligatory and if you are late, the enemy will dominate us and the blood of all the martyrs will be wasted from June 6, 1942 until today and we will be responsible for it.
His soul is happy and his path is full.
Source: Documents and Publications Office of the General Office of the Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Foundation of South Khorasan
The text of the will of Rashid Islam Pasdar, martyr of Valiullah Akhravi Mohebbi
In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, do not say, “I will kill you for the sake of God, the dead,
but the resurrected, but do
not think that the one who is killed in the way of God is dead, but he is alive and immortal.”
May God give you a place where there is praise for you.
Namely that he is unique in nature and unique in attributes, that he has chosen the souls of lovers for himself, filled their existence with love for his rivals, and lit the candle of their existence from the torch of his knowledge, so that he unknowingly turns his head towards him and sacrifices his life for him. ندکنند. I bear witness to the oneness of God, the Blessed and Exalted, and I bear witness that the Holy Prophet, His Messenger, and Imam Ali (AS) are the successors to the right of the Holy Prophet of Islam. Baralha I do not know where to start? Of the many sins I have committed? Or from the inconveniences I have caused to my parents and others? Or from the thousands upon thousands of wrongdoings I have committed, from the disobedience I have committed. God! I do not know where to start, but I know that you are the Most Merciful, the Forgiving, the Forgiving.
O God, forgive me all the sins of my sins and all the sins of my sins. May God have mercy on me for every sin I have committed and every mistake I have committed. Yes, I wrote a will many times and repeatedly put my last words on paper, but to no avail, and with shame I had to tear it up after a while and write another one because I still did not deserve to join the great number of martyrs because I had not yet purified my intention and God forbid that anyone goes to the front without sincerity and for a god other than God, which causes destruction in both worlds, but this time I write these words, is it different from the previous times? This time my heart promises something else, the promise of victory ?? Or the martyrdom of Yaziarat, which is both victories, which is the martyrdom of the best victory, the victory over the world with all its deceptive appearances. This will be the last time I write a will. . Get away from your traps.
Eat my blood, I will be redder, take my throat, I will be more alive
And a word with you brothers who carry my corpse on your hands to its eternal place, first with those who have never been to the front. How long you want to see blood falling to the ground and keep young and old, as well as normal you go and do not think about help and go to the front if you do not do anything positive at least do not break, selfless
GSM touch. Do not sell expensive, do not stab from behind, but you brothers who have ever been to the front, it is true that your mission is over for 45 days or three months, but is the war over? You do not know the necessity of the problem except with
A few promises of praying, praying will be lost from man. Today, war is not a quota and it is not a turn.
The enemy’s movement has dominated us and the blood of all the martyrs from June 6th, who this time will advance to the land of Karbala with one breath, let us make an alliance so that we do not return from the front until we capture Karbala and let the war last longer as it is. Kill that this is the wish of the enemies of Islam and the Islamic Revolution. At the end of my speech, in the presence of my esteemed parents, whom I love very much, I greet you for the last time and I hope that you will forgive me for not being able to be a good child for you and compensate you for your twenty years of hard work. I ask my parents to bear my death And know that it is from the divine grace that God has given to their family and they have taken back the gift that was entrusted to them. Somehow they have a right on my neck, I demand liquidation.
Upstairs, our lives are closed to all the moments that increase the life of the Imam
Begging for a special prayer

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