Martyr Ali Kazemi Khankuk

Father’s name: Assadaleh

Date of birth: July 8, 1964

Place of birth: Khankuk

Date of martyrdom: November 2, 1986

Place of martyrdom: Zahedan

Burial place: Khankuk

Deployment unit: Army – 1st Sergeant

The text of the will of Martyr Ali Kazemi Khankok

Ali Kazemi Khankuk

(Name of God)
greetings to the front of the only savior of mankind and vice-deserved Dear Imam Khomeini iconoclasts, Abraham took the man who shook the palace despotic tyrants and oppressors coming up and all the world from darkness And he saved ignorance and destruction and breathed another spirit into the body of human beings and with his coming he consoled the hearts of all the oppressed of the world and it became obligatory on us to continue his path and set foot in his military boots and defend our homeland and all the soil of our land. Let (‘s composition …)
and greetings to the great and heavenly souls of the martyrs of the beginning of Islam from Uhud to Karbala and from Karbala to Karbala in Iran.
Greetings to the honorable presence of my dear parents, I greet each and every one of you and I advise you parents not to give up Islam and the revolution. And lest the problems of the times overwhelm you and make you impatient and impatient, which will make the enemies of Islam and the revolution happy.
I offer my greetings to my brother Taqi. I hope that my brother will fight with his small weapon, which is the pen, in the trenches of education, and on the other hand, he will win the fight against the air of the soul, which is the Great Jihad itself.
I salute all my sisters and I advise you, my sisters, to keep the Islamic hijab, which is a suitable covering and one of the most important things for a woman, and to strike a strong fist on the mouth of America with the blackness of your tent, because the blackness of your tent is a stronger weapon than The weapons of the soldiers are at war. Once again, greetings to all of you family.
I salute the service of all my friends, relatives and close and distant relatives, and if you ask for the condition of the humble child of Noor Ali, I do not have any turbidity, thank God, and do not worry about me. What I have from you is that you do not forget the warriors of Islam, no matter how small your help is, and you do not neglect our good prayers, which is the final victory with the warriors of Islam.
War, war until victory Oh God Bless the death of Khomeini’s revolution against
the supreme leader

With wishing your little child: Ali Kazemi
signed a martyr

Also address:
Islamabad West Sumar – Mailbox 20/161 G2 Ali Kazemi


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