Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan

Father’s name: Eskandar

Date of birth: March 28, 1968

Place of birth: Ferdows

Date of martyrdom: October 20, 1986

Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh

Burial place: Ferdows

Sending unit: Karbala 5 mobilization

The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan

in the name of God

Mohammad Reza Fakharjavan

Greetings to Imam Zaman (as) and his rightful deputy, the great leader of Imam Khomeini and the ummah of Hezbollah شهید and Shahid Parvar, I write my will as follows. I go to the front and fight so much that I will not be martyred, O youth, die in the bed of humiliation that Hussein (AS) was martyred on the battlefield, O youth, do not die in negligence that Ali was martyred in the altar of worship. O mothers, prevent your children from going to the front, because tomorrow, in the presence of God, you will not be able to give an answer to Zainab, who endured 72 martyrs. Brothers, do not forget to ask for forgiveness and prayer, which is the best cure for pain, and always remember God and walk in His path, and never let the enemies divide you and separate you from the committed clergy, if they do so, it is the day of misery for Muslims and the day of celebration of superpowers. .
Keep your presence on the right-against-wrong fronts. My request to my parents is that if I receive the grace of martyrdom, do not cry for me, but cry for the memory of Hussein (AS) and for him and his loyal companions. Make patience your profession Do not lose your endurance so that the enemy will take advantage of your weakness. If I become a martyr, those who do not follow the red line of Imam Khomeini and do not believe in his guardianship, do not look at me and do not attend my body, but let the blood of the martyrs change them and bring them closer to divine mercy. Send my greetings to my dear leader and tell him that until the last drop of my blood I will not leave the stronghold of Islam. The Islamic flag of Imam Zaman (as) will be implemented.
God, God, keep Mehdi Khomeini until the revolution, shorten our life and increase the life of the leader.

Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan 9/28/1365


Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan
Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan
Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan
Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan
Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan
Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan
Martyr Mohammad Reza Fakhar Javan


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