Martyr Hossein Najafi
Father’s name: Abbas
Date of birth: November 25, 1957
Place of birth: Afghoo
Date of martyrdom: September 7, 1986
Place of martyrdom: Urmia
Burial place: Afghoo
Sending unit: Jihad
Biography of the jihadist martyr Hossein Najafi

In the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
And do not think that those who were killed for the sake of… are dead, rather they are alive, and they are provided with sustenance.
Martyr Hussein Najafi, son of Abbas, was born in 1336 in the village of Afghawi in a faithful and committed family. He completed his primary education in the village of Afgoo and dropped out of school due to lack of tuition fees. After a while, he went to Kashmar to work there and got married at the same time that God gave him children after a while. Started. After the victory of the revolution and the formation of constructive jihad to serve the deprived of society, especially the dear villagers, he joined the jihadists and worked tirelessly to build rural roads. And with his gridel he would dig up hills and boulders and promise the villagers that the revolution was determined to greet the poor and miserable among you and bring you happiness and perfection while you were working in the workshops. He always emphasized and held ideological programs and Quran classes and wherever he could, he said: We want to quench the thirst and thirst of the villagers and wherever he steps, he brings purity, purity, intimacy, patience, perseverance and effort and always acts instead of talking. He used to teach self-improvement and constructiveness to his friends and colleagues with his actions, behavior and deeds. And when the imposed war broke out, he lovingly rushed to the fronts of light, and with his grader-bulldozer, compressor, and loader, all of whom were drivers and specialists, he created light, built roads, built embankments, and built trenches, making himself the name of a stoneless trench builder. One of his friends says that suddenly a terrible explosion lifted me from my place and hit me on the ground. Hussein has been hit and he has achieved his long-held dream. والسلام
The text of the will of Martyr Hussein Najafi

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. They emigrated and fought in the way of God. They hope for the mercy of God and God is gracious and merciful. >> Greetings to the presence of Imam Zaman (as) and his rightful successor Imam Khomeini, and greetings to the good souls of the martyrs and you, the ummah has risen and the Mujahideen for the sake of….
I, Hussein Najafi – son – Abbas, in order to protect the religion of Islam and to protect the honor and dignity of the Islamic homeland, has called for defense and has done his duty in every part of the Islamic country with full love and encouragement, and to the Imams. I follow the infallible and I thank God that I have been used for the continuation of the rule of the Qur’an and its ideals, and we are satisfied with whatever comes from it.
O God! You yourself have promised those who emigrate and believe and strive in the cause of God, to hope for God’s mercy. God! During the great absence, we did not find anything better than the holy presence of the great leader of the revolution, the soul of Al-Musawi Khomeini and his committed companions.
God! Although my actions have not been as they should be, my purpose and aspiration are more important to you. There are revolutions that want to put your hand in the hands of the time (PBUH), God willing, and you, my kind brothers and sisters, and my family, I did not even imagine that the merciful God would grant me such happiness and such a blessing on me and you and Leave the family. I ask you to be patient like other families of martyrs, patience that is in the interest of Islam and I urge you to respect the world for these few days and do not miss this short opportunity that all these bloodshed or victories for the sake of servitude and obedience and Purification is for God. Try to persevere in the face of this revolution, which is due to the religion of Islam. This revolution is the solution to the desired rule of Imam al-Zaman (as).

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