Martyr Hossein Najafi
Father’s name: Abbas Date of birth: November 25, 1957 Place of birth: Afghoo Date of martyrdom: September 7, 1986 Place of martyrdom: Urmia Burial place: Afghoo Sending unit: Jihad Biography of the jihadist martyr Hossein Najafi In the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful And do not think that those who were killed for the sake of… are dead, rather they are alive, and they are provided with sustenance. Martyr Hussein Najafi, son of Abbas, was born in 1336 in the village of Afghawi in a faithful and committed family. He completed his primary education in the village of Afgoo and dropped out of school due to lack of tuition fees. After a while, he went to Kashmar to work there and got married at the same time that God gave him children after a while. Started. After the victory of the revolution and the formation of constructive jihad to serve the deprived of society, especially the dear villagers, he joined the jihadists and w...