Martyr Mohammad Baqer Radmard

Father’s name: Mohammad Ali
Date of birth: November 16, 1960
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: March 31, 1986
Place of martyrdom: Sardasht
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Pasdar
Biography of Sardar Shahid Mohammad Baqer Radmard
Commander of Al-Mahdi Battalion, 18th Brigade, Javad Al-A’imah (AS) (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)
was born on November 25, 1980 in Ferdows. He was active since childhood. At the same age, he went to school to learn the Quran. Spends time with the father on farm work, studying, worshiping or with close friends.
From a young age, his behavior was different from that of other brothers. He was independent and self-reliant. He did not even want his father to provide him with a bicycle, but spent a summer working in agriculture and working as an apprentice for a few days until he could use the money to buy a bicycle for himself.
Before the victory of the revolution, he was always in the forefront of distributing Imam Khomeini’s proclamations, and he did this by bicycle or on foot in the late night. He was the first to break the lamps around the statue of the king at night and write the slogans of the revolution on the walls. He was also the first to distribute a black-and-white photograph of the Imam, which was printed in small print in a laboratory in Tehran, after the Maghrib and Isha prayers at the Javadalameh Mosque. This was the first photo of Imam Khomeini distributed by him in Ferdows. He had hidden about 20 soldiers who had fled the service on the orders of the Imam in his father’s house.
The martyr has been present in religious gatherings and congregational prayers since he recognized himself. Until these activities took a religious-political form during high school and finally ended up being active in the Islamic organization of high school. The organization that was called “Islamic Association” in high school after the revolution and continued with the focus on Martyr Sabouri and active members such as “Mir Razavi and Martyr Radmorad”.
After the revolution, by joining the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Tehran, he was always one of the troops following the Imam’s line and his other allies, including Martyr Beheshti. Despite encouragement and advice, he avoided entering the line of thought of Bani Sadr and his supporters. When he was offered to join the Bani Sadr Special Guard, he strongly opposed it.
After graduating, he was accepted to the university. But with the beginning of the imposed war, he went to Tehran and served in the IRGC. And served in the IRGC. With this motive, he joined the IRGC to cover a shorter distance to the climate of martyrdom.
Some time after the start of the imposed war, he rushed to the right-against-wrong fronts to defend the Islamic Revolution and the bloody ideals of the martyrs. His motive was the pleasure of God and unquestioning obedience to Velayat-e-Faqih. “All we have to do is fight,” said the martyr. “War is more obligatory than prayer.”
Some time later, he joined the Tehran Corps and worked as a coach. He had trained in air defense, armor and anti-tank weapons. His studies were scattered. Reads most religious-social books. Most of his studies were at a young age reading the Qur’an and stories such as Mahmoud Hakimi’s fiction. As a young man, he was more interested in political, religious, and ideological studies, as well as in books and tapes by Dr. Shariati and Martyr Hasheminejad. After the revolution, most of the works of Martyr Motahhari, Martyr Beheshti, Imam Khomeini and Tafsir al-Mizan, and after the start of the imposed war, if he had the opportunity, the works of Martyr Dastgheib, Mr. Mazaheri’s moral lessons and works that were mostly educational and moral. Studied.)
He was very interested in religious books and especially in the interpretation of the Qur’an. After joining the IRGC, in addition to reading these books, he tried to read books that would increase his scientific strength about his military work.
My fellow martyr – Ali Akbar Hosseinian – says: “We went to Imam Ali (AS) garrison in 1983 for specialized training. We asked the coaches for a booklet. They gave us a series of military pamphlets that the martyr was studying. “To be able to extract a series of new issues that benefit the general education of the Revolutionary Guards.”
He was a humble person. He treated everyone in the same position and position, even the teaching staff, a high-ranking person or an ordinary person were the same to him and he was no different. He tried to solve the problems of others and preferred others to himself.
After spending some time in the front, Baqer Radmard married Ms. Tahereh Azimi Peyman. The result of 5 years of their life together is two daughters named Hajar (born in 1981) and Zahra (born in 1983). After marriage, he increased his relationship with his parents. From time to time, he would go to his father and take over the responsibility of farming.
Although Baqer Radmard was in charge and commander of the battalion, the commanders used him more in military training, because he had learned many skills. Prior to his martyrdom, he was in charge of military training for the Special Martyrs’ Division. During the operation, he was the commander of one of the battalions of the 18th Javadalameh Brigade. He was on the front for about 48 months. Behind the front, he trained Basij forces.
After going to Ferdows for a while, with the help of his colleagues, he held a special military maneuver for the people at the Shahid Derakhshan Stadium, which the people had not seen before. He hated the people who bowed in front of everyone and Knox because of his pro-independence spirit. Because of this, he hated wartime captivity more than anything else.
If the martyr had a chance on the front, he would go to the shrines of the martyrs, especially the anonymous martyrs. 4/1371 was identified by Abolfazl 57th Division and after being transported to his birthplace, he was buried in Akbar Ferdows Paradise.
Martyr Radmard longed for martyrdom. A testimony that does not have a name or logo on the back. He wished to be anonymous. Perhaps this is why he was missing for a while. The martyr says in his will: He took it to his God and now he has given the order and assigned the youth to go to the front. Because obedience to God, the Messenger and the guardians of affairs is obligatory, and considering that the Imam is the rightful deputy of the Imam of the Age, with all his heart and soul, with good conscience and with full awareness and vigilance, he goes to fight the Ba’athist infidels, but also the world-eating America. “I will.”
He also says, “First of all, I ask God not to take me out of this world until I am cleansed, and I will not die until He forgives my sins.” I call on all my compatriots, especially my dear fellow citizens, not to hesitate to recite the prayers of Tawassul, Nadba and Kamil, and not to neglect praying for the life of the Supreme Leader, the beating heart of the nation and the Islamic world. “Do not forget the Qur’an and its recitation, which reassures the hearts.”
The martyr says to his mother: “Dear mother – I have caused you suffering and unhappiness many times during my life – I desperately ask you for forgiveness and I kiss you kindly and compassionately from afar at the last moment. “And I want you to spread sweets with one of my brothers among the people when my body is carried on my hands, because God will not kill anyone unless he loves someone and does not love him.”
Source: “Immortal Culture of History, Biography of the Commanders of the Martyr of Khorasan” by Seyed Saeed Mousavi, Shahed Publishing, Tehran – 2007
Will in
the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
, and the Age Do not be impatient and impatient in any way, but be patient and steadfast like a mountain. Know that death is the truth and the deadline is certain, and every human being must one day prepare himself to get rid of this mortal world. Now some sooner and some later, but at the same time
((The whole soul of the taste of Alamut)) And you also know that death is the beginning of eternal life and the end of temporary worldly life and there is no annihilation and nothingness for human beings, so it should not be temporary for someone who rushes from house to house and leaves his visit is temporary. He was upset, but you should pray for me and ask God Almighty to make me one of the martyrs of his path.
My kind wife, I confess here, I have not been upset with you during my life and I am satisfied with you. I have really made up for it.
My kind wife, make piety your top priority in all moments of your life, and do not neglect your Islamic hijab and chastity, which is the honor of the Shiites, for a moment, and fear God, who always cares for man and sees man everywhere, and this sentence Remember the Imam:
(The world is in the presence of God, do not sin in the presence of God) At least I have fulfilled the first parental right about the child.
By this means, and with understanding and feeling, I declare that if some time has passed and I have not been informed, after the end of the Shari’ah period, you will get married virtually, but try to find a pious person for your wife who is better than me.
My dear wife, if I could not fulfill my right to marry you as you should, you will forgive me, and if I became a martyr, the things I bought for you as souvenirs (necklaces and rings) are yours, and no one has the right to take them back, but in other matters. And what is left is to refer to a clergyman and ask about its religious issues. May God not want the right of small and orphaned property to remain in your neck.
By the way, if you want to get married, I do not want my child to fall into the hands of ignorant people who are not aware of Islam. And other children should be differentiated. In any case, I desperately ask my brother to show this kindness to me and to take care of my son instead of his father and fill his father’s place.
And a few wills to my mother and brothers:
My mother, brothers and sisters, I ask you to oblige my wife to get married after my death, after the end of the legal period, do not blame her in this case, because this is her natural and religious right, and in this way I owe her Help me find a worthy and religious person. I owe 16 days of fasting, of which 9 days are atonement, and the other 7 days are just a fast of debt, which you must reject after me, and cautiously offer me daily prayers for 6 months. Read. I owe 1000 Tomans from Mr. Mohsen, 50 Tomans from Ahmad Habibi and 2500 Tomans from my brother Mehdi Agha and one thousand Tomans from my mother, which you must give. The money in the hands of my brother Mohammad Agha, reject the Imam’s share and its khums, and deduct the khums and Imam’s share from the money I have in my savings account so that I do not owe the world.
Maybe if someone else comes and demands a sum of money, give it to him. I ask all my relatives not to use my blood for the material issues of the world, which I will take away on the Day of Judgment and I will not be satisfied.
As I mentioned in the first part about my wife, do not take the necklace and ring from her, but in the others that remain after me, observe the Shari’a law of inheritance and act as Islam commands, but it is certain that you try. Satisfy (my wife) because she has not seen any grace from me during her life.
As for my very kind and dear mother who has not seen anything from me during her life other than evil and persecution, I ask you to pray for your rebellious child that I die a martyr and that my death be a martyrdom in its own way. Whenever you want to cry, cry for Imam Hussein (AS) so that God may reward you. Baqer Rad died
the memories
Mohammad Ali Rad Mard , the father of the martyr: But despite the order of the Imam, the agents of the regime held this celebration in Islamia in the former way. Some decided to disrupt the celebration. “I remember very well that at that critical moment, the martyr also volunteered to disrupt this celebration, but he fled the scene after the action.”
Martyr’s brother:
“With the coordination of the military training children of Imam Ali (AS) garrison, a short training course was set up for the students of the Islamic Association in Tehran Forest Park. They demonstrated some commando operations, such as crossing the Russian wire that was connected to both sides of the mountain, and so on. I went there to see the martyr in this operation, but I did not see him. When I asked him the reason, he said: Bani Sadr wanted to see that operation and he is an opportunist and reflects the propaganda in his favor, so we decided with some children that in this “Do not participate in the maneuver.”
“He was the trainer of Imam Ali (AS) garrison in Tehran, and he and his friends were banned from the front due to the heavy work of training the Basij forces and the army. But he and some of his colleagues were looking for an opportunity to get to the front. At an opportune time, on a 15-day leave, he and a few of his friends left the barracks for the front. The group – all female RPGs – hunted enemy tanks for 18 days in the midst of fire and blood, then returned to the barracks and resumed their work, without taking a day off. To visit. ” With the start of the Iraq-Iran war, they preferred to go to the front to everything.
Martyr’s wife:
“Our little girl was sick, I told her: Take the child to the doctor. Although the car was parked in Yaman’s house. He hugged the child and walked away. When I asked him, he said: This is the property of the treasury. “I will never take my child to the doctor with this car.”
Abdullah Radmard, martyr’s brother:
“I was with him in Ahvaz in the summer of 1985. We went to a village that was formerly inhabited to visit and defy the forces around Ahvaz. There, the friends of the martyr came to greet us and gathered dates from the palms there. They insisted that we eat those dates. But they did not eat and this was a question for me. “I later found out that because it was the private property of the people – who had been evacuated due to the war – he did not allow himself to be attacked on that property.”
Martyr’s wife:
“When I told him to tell us about the front. “I am not on the front,” he said. I work in a closed room. “If I only knew he was at the forefront.”
Ali Par Del:
“We were under fire from the ground and air on the front. I said to the martyr: Mr. Baqer, you orphaned my children. He said: Do not be afraid of these noises. “Whether you become an orphan or a martyr, it is better than retreating.”
Martyr Sardar Mahmoud Kaveh:
“Although not more than seven or eight months had passed since he left for the front, he was appointed as the head of the military training unit of the Special Brigade of Martyrs. We were not going to let them come to the back of the front. After that operation – when he was martyred – he was supposed to be introduced as the brigade chief of staff, because we saw a lot of abilities in him. He untied the knots very easily. He was a good thinker. He was an intelligent and wise man. “He dealt with issues realistically. These are traits that few can find.”
Martyr’s brother:
“I remember that after he disappeared, in a conversation I had with the martyr’s brother Mahmoud Kaveh, the commander of the Special Brigade of Martyrs, he also found out about this. “Because they said, ‘It seems unlikely that he has been captured.’
محمد علی هیهات:
“It was two days before April 1986 that we came to Mashhad together for vacation. Martyr Kaveh called early in the Eid to take you to the front. Therefore, on the 5th of Farvardin, we moved to Tehran with Martyr Radmard. Because his wife and children were in Tehran. They said: Go, I will come to the front in two or three days. I went to Mahabad and waited for him. He came and it was 2 pm when we moved to Marivan together. I said: Tonight we may get stuck in the valley court. But he got behind the wheel and moved too fast, which terrified me. In short, we reached Divan Darreh by four o’clock in the afternoon and we were able to get permission to cross from the authorities there, and we arrived in Sanandaj by 6 o’clock and spent an hour in Sanandaj to find the person in charge of the Marivan axis. “I hate these two things, captivity at the hands of the Iraqis and the counter-revolutionary ambush, and I ask God not to get caught,” he said. In short, by mentioning God and reciting the verse of Al-Kursi, we were able to enter Marivan safely at 12 o’clock at night and stay there for an hour. At night we moved from the axis to Panjwin. In the dark of the night, at the same time as the morning call to prayer, we arrived at a place where a number of local forces were stationed. There, Sardar Mansavi and Martyr Kaveh were sleeping and resting with a number of other commanders. They got up and prayed. Kaveh said after the prayer: Remain a man. He told me: You go and do the work behind the front. “And we said goodbye to Radmard that day.” He told me: You go and do the work behind the front. “And we said goodbye to Radmard that day.” He told me: You go and do the work behind the front. “And we said goodbye to Radmard that day.”
Hassan Rad Mard:
One of his comrades explained: In an artillery operation, the enemy had grounded all the children so that no one dared to raise their heads from behind the trench. Martyr Radmard with complete composure, courage and bravery He got up a lot and destroyed the enemy with RPG.
Hassan Rad Mard: The
first photograph of Imam in the years before the revolution, by Baqer Radmard entered the city of Ferdows, he took a large number of these photographs in black and white and printed in small pieces in a photography laboratory in Tehran He had brought it with him and had put it in the seals in the Javadalameh mosque, and he himself had stood a few meters away, being careful that the regime agents did not reach them.
Hassan Rad Mard:
I remember when he (Baqer Radmard) got married, we spent a half day together looking for a house and rented a house with about 18 meters of infrastructure for him. A house without any amenities such as bathroom, kitchen and so on. They started their life together in complete simplicity.
Hassan Rad Mard:
After Operation Valfajr 9, they had a series of persecution operations to prevent the enemy from advancing. In one of these operations, as Mr. Salahi said: they had seen him wounded by an arrow, he He tells Mr. Salahi to go ahead and do your job, I will go back anyway, or I will wait for you to come back. Mr. Salahi, when they return, they will not find him, hence he is missing. And no trace of the martyr was found.
Hassan Rad Mard:
Before the revolution, a series of revelations were to be made against the regime once in high school. The children decided to take a spray and write a slogan on the school door and wall. Therefore, Martyr Radmard had prepared a spray paint and had secretly written a slogan on the door and wall of the school at night. The next morning, everyone had gone to school so that they would not be suspected.
Tahereh Azimi:
I had a dream before his martyrdom, someone said to me: Baqir also joined Muhammad (my cousin who was martyred) and I woke up, I immediately realized that Baqir had been martyred.
Tahereh Azimi:
Once our little girl was sick, I asked Baqer to take the child to the doctor. They took the child’s hand and wanted to leave, I said: why are you walking, what is the car. He said: the car belongs to the organization, private use of the organization’s property is forbidden. And take the child to the doctor on foot.
Hassan Rad Mard:
In mid-Shaban 1357, Imam Khomeini (PBUH) declared public mourning for the killing of people by the Taghut regime. However, the night of mid-Sha’ban was celebrated by a group in a place. Martyr Radmard disrupted the celebration with a previous plan along with several of his friends and fled the battle.
Seyyed Javad Ghiyasi:
Once they returned from the inspection of the Special Division of Martyrs, it was about 1/30 “at night. I felt that they wanted to tell me something. I said: Mr. Radmehr, what happened? He said: If you have time, I want to talk to you for a few minutes. I said: It is late now, we will talk in the morning, he insisted that it will not take long. I said: Tell me. He said: Mr. Kaveh, they have asked me to go to the Special Martyrs’ Division and I do not know whether you will agree or not. I said if you know you are better and more effective there, I have no objection, I am trying to use the forces where they are better and more effective.
Hassan Rad Mard: The
end of Operation Valfajr 9 coincided with the Nowruz holiday. That’s why most of the kids were on leave. Martyr Kaveh was informed that the Sulaimaniyah operational area had previously been occupied by his own forces. It is attacked again by the enemy. For this reason, he asked the children to send anyone who wanted to defend the area. Martyr Radmard, although he had just come to the city to attend his mother’s funeral, as soon as he realized that Kaveh had made such a request, he went to the region and left for the Sulaimaniyah region.
Hassan Rad Mard:
Baqer Radmard was in charge of military training in Imam Ali barracks in Tehran. Once, after completing the training course, he was given 15 days off. He had gone to the front for those 15 days and participated in the operation. This operation lasted 18 days. After Martyr Radmard returned from the front and returned to the barracks, he was absent from the barracks for three days. And he does not say anything that I have been on the front and in the operation.
Ali Akbar Hosseinian:
In Operation Valfajr 9, in one of the heights of the region, they were wounded in the abdomen by direct enemy fire. But his body was not found for a while and they were missing. Who later brought the news of his martyrdom.
Mohammad Ali Hihat:
On the night of Baqer Radmard’s martyrdom, I had a dream that we went to his house with him. Considering that I had no information about the number and gender of the children of the martyr, I dreamed that he had two daughters, so I put my hand of love on the children of Baqir. When I woke up in the morning, I was inspired that Baqir would be martyred. The same day, when I went to my own forces, they said: Baqir Radmard was martyred.
The remnants of the martyr
really mention prayer, social activities, creation of human virtues, deep awareness of the current political situation and continuity in the religion of God and divine sovereignty are the characteristics of a Muslim and a mujahid for the sake of God.
“I greet the presence of my dear wife. I hope that under the protection of the Almighty and under the protection of the rule of divine justice to the Imamate and leadership of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and his rightful successor Imam Khomeini, you have been correct and healthy, so that you can bear the heavy burden of responsibility now in the first place. They must insure the future of Islam. Good luck. And children who are courageous, correct, healthy, Fatemeh-like, Zainab-like, and finally Islam-like, and can be bound and worthy of the Islamic government for the future of society. Secondly, you are a housewife who helps me a lot in doing my work, and I owe what I do with a collective mind. I have always said that if I have a reward, God should give it to you. “It is your patience, perseverance, perseverance, chastity, chastity and sincerity that give us the confidence to be able to take on the responsibilities of the current state of revolution and war.”

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