Martyr Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi Naqibi

Father’s name: Zabihollah

Date of birth: April 9, 1967       

Place of birth: Ayask

Date of martyrdom: February 10, 1986     

Place of martyrdom: Bovarian

Burial place: Ferdows

Service unit:  Basij

biography, diary :

He was born on the 20th of Farvardin 1346 in Aisak village of Sarayan city. His father Agha Seyed Zabihollah was a farmer and his mother was Zahra Khanum. He was accepted as a student in Shahid Mofteh Ferdows Teacher Training Center. On February 12, 1985, he was martyred as a sniper in Operation Valfajr 8 in the Bavarin region. His holy body was buried in his hometown.

will :

My message to you, the people of Hezbollah, is to keep in mind that we were created for another world and this world does not remain, so let us increase our charity.


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