Martyr Mohammad Reza Palangi
Father’s name: Abbas Ali
Date of birth: February 21, 1967
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: February 23, 1986
Place of martyrdom: Faw
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Pasdar
biography, diary
Martyr “Mohammad Reza Palangi” was born on March 23, 1976 in Ferdows. He continued his education in his hometown after his childhood.
Mohammad Reza’s adolescence coincided with the dawn of the Revolution and the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and he also took an active part in revolutionary activities. After the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the beginning of the war imposed by the Ba’athist regime of Iraq against our country, Mohammad Reza was 15 years old who was able to satisfy the officials and his family with great insistence and was sent to the front for the first time in 1982. Mohammad Reza’s first appearance in the operational areas coincided with the epic conquest of Khorramshahr, and he also played a role in this epic. After a while, he came on leave and decided to go to war zones again, and this time in July 1982, he went to the operational areas of Kurdistan. He returned to his hometown after completing his mission in Kurdistan, and it was during this leave that he made the Holy Covenant of Marriage. After some time, he went to the war and operational areas again, and this time he went to serve the operational area of Somar. There he demanded transfer to the demolition unit; But by the order of the commanders, he joined the special forces of Sarollah (AS).
Mohammad Reza was present in the operational areas for a long time, until he finally drank the sweet syrup of martyrdom in Operation Valfajr 8 and in the Faw operational area. He was martyred while successfully completing his mission as a destroyer diver, and after the operation, he was assigned a mine-laying mission by the commanders against the invasion of enemy tanks. The pure body of the martyr was buried in his arms after being transferred to his hometown.
Martyr Mohammad Reza Palangi had written in a letter to his brother: “My brother, I ask you not to forget to pray for the release of our Lord, Imam Zaman (as) and for the longevity of the Imam of the Nation. I ask you to pray for God to grant me the success of martyrdom. I want God to grant me the success of martyrdom as soon as possible, because I am tired of this world. “I hope that all of us will follow the path of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his successor, Imam Ali (AS) and die with love for them.”
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Reza Palangi
In the name of the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate,
or those who are trustworthy, do you know that your trade will save you from the torment of the Day of Judgment?
O you who believe, do you want me to guide you to a beneficial business that will save you from the painful torment of the Hereafter? It’s better for you. If you know. (Holy Quran, Sura 10 and 11) I thank God that he has shown the utmost kindness and generosity to this humble servant and gave me the honor of fighting in the footsteps of Hazrat Mahdi (AS), the true commander of the right-against-wrong fronts, along with martyrdom. I pray for the good of the believers and I witness to God that what I present as a message in this article is a sense of duty and duty to announce my way and my goal and all my warriors and peers. Our school is the school of Imam Khomeini, and our path is the path of the rightful deputy of Imam Zaman (as), the Imam of the Nation, Hussein Zaman. I consider obedience to his commands a duty and we sacrifice our souls for the sake of his goal, because obedience to the commands of the Imam is eternal happiness, and procrastination in it is the weakness of faith, and turning away from it is humiliation and fall. You, student brothers, with the sincerity of the brothers of Islamic associations who, inspired by the Imam of the Ummah, who have warned the need of society to faithful and committed professionals, read the lesson as a task in the first stage and know that the path to cultural independence is the first condition. Independence is achievable depending on the seriousness of the divine direction of educational centers, especially universities, and this can be done by continuing your education, brothers. You, the nation of Hezbollah, want you to remember the Hereafter a little and be proud that God’s victory and forgiveness were upon you.
Take off your travel clothes and the call to try has been given among you. Answer the Imam. Do not take your heart captive to the world and imagine your life unstable and try to return to God with the baggage of obedience and servitude, the baggage that is available in this day and age. Because in front of us are rugged necks and scary and terrifying ambushes, and we have to cross this path, and (this world) is a crypt where we have to stay for a while, and death has stuck to us as if it were in the depths of our souls. Caught in his chains. But dealing with the hardships of the world has kept him out of sight. So, take your heart from the mansion of the world and empower yourself with the baggage of your faith and piety.
O people, the truth is only that the world is passing away and the Hereafter is a dwelling house. Make your profession that the grace of God includes us.
And as for my parents, I have nothing to take away from you instead of the hardships and hardships of your precious life that you spent, except the breadth of health, but answer my questions, how did you ask God for a child?
Aren’t you happy that you have returned the trust of God to Bao and presented a small gift to the Islamic Revolution? So be thankful to God for accepting the gift of the impotent, and be patient that God loves the patient, but my wife, I apologize to you that I was not a good husband for you during your time with me and I always left you alone and I was going to the front and you were alone. I had no choice, because I could not bear the distance of God’s friends and I could not force myself to be at home and some of those pure and sincere people in the trenches under the fire of cannons and May the mortars of the enemy be, and it was the grace of God that bestowed on this humble servant that truly if love
It is on the fronts, if it is faith, it is on the fronts, and if it is prayer and spirituality, it is on the fronts, and if it is purity, sincerity and sincerity, it is on the fronts. O people, I ask you to go and see with your own eyes this kindness and unseen help and divine blessings and understand that that is when you can not endure in the city. I was and I was ready to be on the front and in the most difficult conditions, but I will not come to the city, but my parents, my wife, my brothers and my sisters, and you, my relatives and friends, will not stop you from crying. Cry for Islam and for the martyrs of Imam Hussein (AS), because such a cry is worship before God Almighty, and I ask all of you to make me lawful and to be proud of me.
God, God, keep Mehdi Khomeini until the revolution
Peace be upon you and mercy… and blessings of
Mohammad Reza Palangi

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