Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari

Father’s name: Gholam Hossein

Date of birth: September 23, 1960

Place of birth: Khanik

Date of martyrdom: February 11, 1986

Place of martyrdom: Arvand River

Burial place: Khanik

Sending unit: Pasdar

Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari

the movie


The holy body of a martyr


in the name of God

Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari

Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari was born on October 10, 1980 in Khanik village of Ferdows city. He completed his primary education in Hafez Khanik primary school and left for Ferdows city to continue his education. He completed his secondary and high school education and in the fourth year of high school, although he had not yet completed his diploma, he became an official member of the Revolutionary Guards in September 1981 with his love and affection for the Revolutionary Guards. A few months had not passed since his service in the IRGC, and in July 1983, he went to the battlefields of the right against the wrong. He spent eight months on the fronts of Ilam and Kurdistan and participated in Operation Malfajr 3 in Ilam and Valfajr 4 in Kurdistan. Then he returned to Ferdows and served in the Bashravieh Corps. He got married in late April 1984 and left for the front again in November of that year. He took part in Operation Badr and was injured in the face and legs. After treatment, he returned to the front and continued to serve in the equipment unit of the 5th Nasr Division in the observation section. According to one of his comrades, he refused to go on leave before the operation and said that he wanted to take part in the operation. While he had not been on leave for about three months. On the night of the operation, before going to the front line, according to a dream he had, he handed over his belongings to the IRGC Cooperative. Because he knew he would not return this time.
He was not interested in the world and every time he was asked when do you want to return from the front? He said that he wanted to go and visit the grave of Imam Hussein. One of his outstanding characteristics was his good morals and kindness, and he always met people with a happy and smiling face. He was always at the forefront of public and charitable work and served tirelessly wherever necessary.
Finally, on the night of Friday, February 16, 1985, during Operation Valfajr 8 near the Iraqi city of Faw, he achieved his dream due to the fragments of a Ba’athist enemy mortar and fired at his beloved.
May his soul rest in peace, and may too many people follow his way

The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari 

In the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“And do not say that they will not be killed for the sake of the dead, but will be resurrected, but they will not mourn.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 154)
“DNA … I Ashtary Anfs·hm and Amvalhm goalkeeper Ali Al Janna Yuqataloon lahum Fyqtlvn and Yqtlvn the sake of God.”
(Surat at-Tawbah, 111)
God has bought the lives and property of the believers at the price of Paradise. Those who fight in the cause of God are killed and killed.
Greetings to the martyrs of the path of truth. Now that the Islamic Revolution of Iran, led by Imam Khomeini and with the sacrifice of the children of this land and water, is approaching globalization, hands inside and outside want to destroy the revolution, but I am fully aware of it. I seize this great opportunity to my school and the instructions of my Imam, and I have prepared myself to face any aggression that is against my school and my homeland. O God, now for your pleasure and for your pleasure, and by the order of the Caliph on your right, who is also the Deputy Imam of the time, I will step on the scene of jihad against infidelity, hoping that you will either martyr me by grace so that it may be an atonement to erase my sins and pay. Religion against the Islamic Republic or have mercy on me and accept my repentance that I need you now and I have no one but you. God, I was trying very hard to be a sincere servant for you, although your grace included me, but I am ashamed and ashamed and I hope for forgiveness. God knows that I am not afraid of dying and martyrdom in the way of truth is very sweet. I swear by God that I have no property more precious than my blood to give, and now you have turned me pink and accept me in pieces. God, I will stay in my stronghold until the last breath I have in my heart. O God, I have been so immersed in sin and corruption that now I do not have the power to take a pen and write a will, because I believe that the pure and ascetic of God deserve to be martyred. I have tried hard many times to be in your path and to be a sincere servant for you, although your grace has included me, but I am ashamed and ashamed and I hope for forgiveness. O God, the educator of Muhammad (PBUH) Fatemeh (PBUH) Ali (PBUH) Hassan (PBUH) and Hussein (PBUH), I am in pain, I am heartbroken and my soul is burning with pain, and I hope that this precious soul of mine Set the path of Islam so that it may be an atonement for the erasure of my sins. I swear by God that I have no property more precious than my blood to give, and now you have turned me pink and accept me in pieces. God, I will stay in my stronghold until the last breath I have in my heart. O God, I have been so immersed in sin and corruption that now I do not have the power to take a pen and write a will, because I believe that the pure and ascetic of God deserve to be martyred. I have tried hard many times to be in your path and to be a sincere servant for you, although your grace has included me, but I am ashamed and ashamed and I hope for forgiveness. O God, the educator of Muhammad (PBUH) Fatemeh (PBUH) Ali (PBUH) Hassan (PBUH) and Hussein (PBUH), I am in pain, I am heartbroken and my soul is burning with pain, and I hope that this precious soul of mine Set the path of Islam so that it may be an atonement for the erasure of my sins. I swear by God that I have no property more precious than my blood to give, and now you have turned me pink and accept me in pieces. God, I will stay in my stronghold until the last breath I have in my heart. O God, I have been so immersed in sin and corruption that now I do not have the power to take a pen and write a will, because I believe that the pure and ascetic of God deserve to be martyred. I have tried hard many times to be in your path and to be a sincere servant for you, although your grace has included me, but I am ashamed and ashamed and I hope for forgiveness. O God, the educator of Muhammad (PBUH) Fatemeh (PBUH) Ali (PBUH) Hassan (PBUH) and Hussein (PBUH), I am in pain, I am heartbroken and my soul is burning with pain, and I hope that this precious soul of mine Set the path of Islam so that it may be an atonement for the erasure of my sins. O God, I have been so immersed in sin and corruption that now I do not have the power to take a pen and write a will, because I believe that the pure and ascetic of God deserve to be martyred. I have tried hard many times to be in your path and to be a sincere servant for you, although your grace has included me, but I am ashamed and ashamed and I hope for forgiveness. O God, the educator of Muhammad (PBUH) Fatemeh (PBUH) Ali (PBUH) Hassan (PBUH) and Hussein (PBUH), I am in pain, I am heartbroken and my soul is burning with pain, and I hope that this precious soul of mine Set the path of Islam so that it may be an atonement for the erasure of my sins. O God, I have been so immersed in sin and corruption that now I do not have the power to take a pen and write a will, because I believe that the pure and ascetic of God deserve to be martyred. I have tried hard many times to be in your path and to be a sincere servant for you, although your grace has included me, but I am ashamed and ashamed and I hope for forgiveness. O God, the educator of Muhammad (PBUH) Fatemeh (PBUH) Ali (PBUH) Hassan (PBUH) and Hussein (PBUH), I am in pain, I am heartbroken and my soul is burning with pain, and I hope that this precious soul of mine Set the path of Islam so that it may be an atonement for the erasure of my sins.
My dream brothers, if I took this path, you would have played a role and you would not have been ineffective. If you saw me wrong, forgive me for God’s sake, because I was not aware and I was wrong. It gave me the merit to become a martyr on the way and it is an honor for you to be a martyr from this family.
My sister, I ask you to practice patience and perseverance, and to always live like a beautiful woman, and to always keep your hijab.
My wife, I ask you to make hijab, chastity and chastity the top priority of your life and always live and fight like Fatima and Zainab.
Dad, you may be upset after I was killed, but know that you are very proud.
Father, I know that I did not fulfill the right of a child towards you. I hope you are satisfied with me. After my martyrdom, be patient and do not mourn, but be happy. I am proud to be with the youth whose only goal is to destroy the enemies of Islam and who are in the line of the Imam.
If my weak body becomes thousands of pieces, it is still sweeter for me than to die in the bed of illness. I would like to go to the divine door with a bloody face and a torn body.
My kind parents, if I get 6 testimonies, I would like you not to cry at my funeral, because the enemy will be happy, and if you want to cry, cry for Islam, which Islam desperately needs, and I ask all my relatives and friends, if God forbid. They are upset to forgive this humble servant for their greatness.
My father, I owe 15 days of fasting if you can do it yourself, and if not, leave it to someone to fast for me for these 15 days. In conclusion, I entrust you to God and I ask the esteemed people of Khanik to look at the fronts for a while. Now is the time, the time of Imam Hussein (AS), it makes no difference.
Whoever has the desire of Karbala, name him… Whoever has our companion, name him…

In the hope of the victory of the warriors of Islam over the forces of global infidelity.
God, God, keep Mehdi Khomeini until the revolution, reduce
our life and increase his life.

Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
dated 12/15/1363

a diary

Operation Valfajr 8 Faw area

It was the first days of the operation, and Iraq was trying hard to retake the lost positions with heavy patrols, but their safety was cut short by the fierce resistance of the Islamic fighters. Because the patrols were intense and frequent, it was necessary to change forces. Shahid Nazari and I entered the front line as a watchtower (5th Nasr Division) instead of the previous forces. Everything indicated that the Iraqi forces were preparing for a heavy patrol. At the suggestion of Martyr Nazari, in order to confront the enemy patrol, we fortified the stronghold with sandbags and .. and we were ready to confront the enemy. It was not long before the heavy invasion of Iraq began. Rain of bullets and enemy fire engulfed the area. When we wanted to go to the stronghold of the point of view, Shahid Nazari told me to stay at the bottom of the embankment, I will go to the point of view so that if something happens, we will not both perish. I agreed and he went to the point of view. I also used the opportunity to shoot at the enemy with RPG. After firing a few RPGs, I was launching an RPG missile, which in an instant was filled with the sound of a terrible explosion of dust and smoke. As the smoke and dust subsided, I turned my gaze to the watchtower to see what had happened. I saw no trace of the trench. And only a large hole had been made in the embankment. At the bottom of the embankment, trench bags were scattered. I was looking for Mohammad Ibrahim among the bags, and a few meters ahead, something caught my attention. I approached the body of Martyr Nazari, who had been targeted by a direct bullet in his trench and had been thrown and his clothes had been torn. I went to the top of his head. Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy As the smoke and dust subsided, I turned my gaze to the watchtower to see what had happened. I saw no trace of the trench. And only a large hole had been made in the embankment. At the bottom of the embankment, trench bags were scattered. I was looking for Mohammad Ibrahim among the bags, and a few meters ahead, something caught my attention. I approached the body of Martyr Nazari, who had been targeted by a direct bullet in his trench and had been thrown and his clothes had been torn. I went to the top of his head. Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy As the smoke and dust subsided, I turned my gaze to the watchtower to see what had happened. I saw no trace of the trench. And only a large hole had been made in the embankment. At the bottom of the embankment, trench bags were scattered. I was looking for Mohammad Ibrahim among the bags, and a few meters ahead, something caught my attention. I approached the body of Martyr Nazari, who had been targeted by a direct bullet in his trench and had been thrown and his clothes had been torn. I went to the top of his head. Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy At the bottom of the embankment, trench bags were scattered. I was looking for Mohammad Ibrahim among the bags, and a few meters ahead, something caught my attention. I approached the body of Martyr Nazari, who had been targeted by a direct bullet in his trench and had been thrown and his clothes had been torn. I went to the top of his head. Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy At the bottom of the embankment, trench bags were scattered. I was looking for Mohammad Ibrahim among the bags, and a few meters ahead, something caught my attention. I approached the body of Martyr Nazari, who had been targeted by a direct bullet in his trench and had been thrown and his clothes had been torn. I went to the top of his head. Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy Tears welled up in my eyes. I put my head on her skirt and at the same time, with a smile on her face, she accepted the invitation of the truth and joined the many companions of her martyr and became immortal next to the truth. His soul is happy

The narrator is Mr. Mohammad Sedghi, quoting Mr. Seyed Hashem Tabatabai, a fellow soldier and fellow martyr.


Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari
Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Nazari



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