Shahid Mahdi Bahoosh
Father’s name: Mohammad Ali
Date of birth: April 21, 1963
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: September 23, 1985
Place of martyrdom: Sardasht
Burial place: Ferdows
Deployment unit: Army-Soldier
biography, diary
Martyr Mehdi Bahoosh was born on the first day of May, 1342 in Ferdows city. His family was religious and hardworking, and he was raised and raised in a healthy and intimate environment. His companion from an early age was his toiling and suffering father. Therefore, despite his young age, he learned how to deal with the challenges and problems of life and in the practical class of his family, he experienced the course of Islamic education.
Martyr Mehdi Bahoush, at the height of the Islamic Revolution, expanded his revolutionary activities in all dimensions and was a pioneer and leader in popular marches against the infamous Pahlavi regime, broadcasting announcements, tapes and..
He was 18 years old when he voluntarily joined the battlefields of right against wrong. He had been sent to the front before beginning his sacred military service.
He was patient and resilient. He had a true and heartfelt belief in the Qur’anic statement:
All his desire on the front was to reach the position of martyrdom in the way of God, and finally he achieved this desire. He finally drank the nectar of martyrdom during Operation Qader in the Oshnoyeh region on 10/7/1985 and fluttered his wings towards the idol. great blessing and great memory.
Source: Documents and Publications Office of the General Office of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Foundation of South Khorasan
The text of the will of the clever martyr Mehdi Bahoush
In the name of the Lord of the Martyrs and the Righteous,
greetings and peace be upon the Imam of the Age (pbuh) and greetings and peace be upon his deputy, the idol-breaker of his time, the hope of the oppressed of the world and the Iranian nation, and greetings and peace be upon the precious martyrs of the Islamic Revolution.
In the introduction, I will tell you about martyrdom from the point of view of Islam and then the responsibilities of believing people against the blood of the martyrs. And we see that Hussein ibn Ali (AS) revives Islam.He fought against Yazid and rose up on the same scale and sacrificed himself and the best people of his time to Islam. May I be sacrificed and we, who do not fall for them, are Muslims and we will continue for them. My goal is to go to the front of truth against falsehood. And when I finished school and got my diploma, I considered it necessary to be sent to the sacred service of the army, and my goal is Islam and my leader, and I will serve to the last breath for the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in my relentless fight against mercenaries. I will continue to be a Baathist. I would also like to thank all of you brothers and sisters who took part in my funeral.Satisfy me and thank God that I spent my life in the path of truth and reached the meeting که that martyrdom was given to your humble child and this is the highest and most valuable blessing, and from all my relatives and dear sister I want you to forgive me for your greatness and make me lawful if they have ever seen me bad. M, which I bought on 1/5/60, located on Jomhuri Eslami Street, belongs to my mother.And in the end, the issue I want to present is that a Honda motorcycle named after me, each motorcycle came with a plot of land measuring 45 x 11 meters, which I bought on 1/5/60, located on Jomhuri Eslami Street, and belongs to my mother.And in the end, the issue I want to present is that a Honda motorcycle named after me, each motorcycle came with a plot of land measuring 45 x 11 meters, which I bought on 1/5/60, located on Jomhuri Eslami Street, and belongs to my mother.
In the hope of the victory of truth against falsehood
, peace and blessings be upon you, and blessings on

the memories:Be careful when prayingMartyr’s father was a professional builder, and usually Martyr Mehdi used to build with his father in the summer. We asked them for help in repairing part of the wall of our house. At first, it was scheduled for Friday when we faced Mehdi’s opposition. He said that he wanted to attend Friday prayers on Friday and invited all his family members to participate in this matter. It was scheduled for another day. The day my brother and Mehdi came home to work, after having tea and breakfast, Mehdi performed ablution and started working. It was during the noon call to prayer when suddenly the call to prayer was heard from the yard. When I went to the yard, I saw Mehdi saying the call to prayer. After saying the call to prayer, he asked his father, as well as others, to stop work in order to perform the first prayer ritual. Then he came home and asked me for a rug. I told him that if he wanted to do ablution, he could do ablution in the kitchen.Narrator: Narges Nejat

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