Martyr Ali Asadi Narm
Father’s name: Gholam Hossein
Date of birth: March 26, 1964
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: September 10, 1985
Place of martyrdom: Oshnawiyeh
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Basij
Martyr “Ali Asadi Soft” was born on April 26, 1964 in a soft village in the city of Ferdows. After his childhood, he completed his primary education in his native village and while studying, he worked with his father to help his family in agriculture and animal husbandry. It was the shining sun of the revolution, and he participated in demonstrations and marches with other people. After the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, he emigrated to Ferdows with his family, and at the same time, he was studying at the Basij Resistance base and was a member of the Islamic Basij. He studied in the city of Ferdows until the third year of high school, and after that, at the beginning of the war imposed by the Ba’athist regime in Iraq against Iran, he decided to go to the battlefields of the right against the wrong. Ali was sent to the operational areas three times in total, and finally, in the third time, while participating in Operation Qader 2 in Oshnoyeh, Kurdistan, he was martyred on September 7, 1985, and his soul ascended to the kingdom. The pure body of the martyr was missing for 8 years until it was finally identified by the investigation team in 1372 and buried in Behesht Akbar, Ferdows city. May his happy soul cherish his memory and may his path be fruitful. My fellow martyr says: Ali and I have been friends since childhood and we spent most of our time together in the village. Before Ali decided to go to the front, we would mobilize together for a while at night and guard until One night Ali told me of his decision to be sent to the front. Ali, who really wanted to play a role in defending Iran, was sent to the front with some of his friends and classmates. I, who was not able to be sent to the front at that time, had heard from my friends that Ali had become seriously ill during one of the operations, so that he was hospitalized for 2 months on the doctor’s orders. Immediately after his relative recovery, Ali returned to the front to perform his duties, and this time participated in Operation Qader 2. I remember that we received Ali’s last letter on the seventh day of Muharram of the same year, and after that we did not receive any more news until the story of Ali’s disappearance became complicated in the city. After hearing this news, I suddenly remembered Ali’s last farewell, who said goodbye to all his relatives and friends, even those who were far away, and said to me at the last moment: I must sacrifice my life for Islam, and this time to go to the front. I will not return I remember that we received Ali’s last letter on the seventh day of Muharram of the same year, and after that we did not receive any more news until the story of Ali’s disappearance became complicated in the city. After hearing this news, I suddenly remembered Ali’s last farewell, who said goodbye to all his relatives and friends, even those who were far away, and said to me at the last moment: I must sacrifice my life for Islam, and this time to go to the front. I will not return I remember that we received Ali’s last letter on the seventh day of Muharram of the same year, and after that we did not receive any more news until the story of Ali’s disappearance became complicated in the city. After hearing this news, I suddenly remembered Ali’s last farewell, who said goodbye to all his relatives and friends, even those who were far away, and said to me at the last moment: I must sacrifice my life for Islam, and this time to go to the front. I will not return
These wills shake man and wake him up. (Imam Khomeini)
text Delaware Wills guardian of the Islamic Basij Rashid Ali Asadi
Name of God in the Name of Allah
((and I Khrjt as full as we Kntm Vjhk Shtr Almsjd Haram and Al-Shatrah Fvlva Vjvhkm Hajjah Laila Ykvn Llnas upon you … and La Tqvlva Lehman Yqtl the sake of God Amvata Bell Rehabilitation and But do not be ignorant and do not let them be afraid of you, and return, and lack of wealth, souls, fruits, and human beings who are afflicted.
If We sent Our Messenger to recite to you Our revelations, and to purify your people from filthiness, pollution, ignorance, and polytheism, and to teach you the law and wisdom, and to learn from him everything you do not know, then remind me. So that I may remember you, and then be thankful for My blessings, and do not disbelieve in the blessings. Do not think that he is dead, but he is alive forever, but you will not find this truth. ))
The disobedient should repent of their sins. (Imam Khomeini) Hello, my dear parents, I hope you accept the humble greeting, and I ask God for forgiveness for being a sinful and sinful person in the family, firstly, and secondly, because I was not a good child for you, and the reason I have provided you with grief and sorrow, and I have neglected this. I apologize and I apologize a lot, and my testament to my parents is that whatever money I have already vowed for any place, they should put in the fund to help the front. May your child be safe from the torment of Hellfire, and if anyone takes credit from me, pay whatever he says.
I ask my brothers Gholamreza and Mohammad to put aside their shortcomings, disobedience and immorality, and to be satisfied with me.
I command my sisters that if I have been rebellious and daring towards them, forgive me, because if you forgive, God will forgive you and also us by His grace and mercy, God willing.
I now advise my classmates, friends, parents, siblings not to lay down my arms, and my sisters and religious sisters, whose hijab is my stronghold, because we are for the preservation of honor and dignity and the revival of moral and Islamic virtues. We fight to fertilize and reveal our culture, and we wait until sedition is removed from the world and Qaem appears, and by the order of Khomeini the Great, which is the word of the Qur’an, we will not lay down the weapons of the martyrs.
And I advise my parents to cry for me, but to rejoice in the face of the enemy and the hypocrites without knowing God. Because their mourning is the mourning of the enemy and their mourning is the mourning of the enemy.
My advice to my classmates and students is to learn Islamic science and vision and not let our culture be looted and their science and practice be one, because science and civilization are two wings that cannot be flown with one.
God, I accepted all this and understood the meaning of martyrdom and understood what martyrdom is and why I become a martyr.
I took this path and God accompanied me and the sentence:
God has given me the success of martyrdom in my style, and I swear to God that I will not return to any cause that hinders me in this way. I swear to God, if after I was killed I knew that when I was killed, they would cut me to a thousand pieces and burn every piece in the fire, and then they would blow my ashes and then take my family into captivity, again from the straight path. That God has guided me to it, I did not return and I was not among the disbelievers. I always loved martyrdom and asked God for the success of martyrdom, and I was always afraid of dying between the four walls of the house and in bed. I went to join eternity, I loved martyrdom.
My mother, do not be sad and ashamed that I could not compensate you for some of your troubles. You must forgive me. I took a step towards God and I won. Dear mother and father, tell my family and acquaintances to forgive me for all the bad things they have seen in me in this world, so that my sins may be lessened in that world, and at this time I may be able to atone for my past sins as much as I can. I swear to God, if they kill me and my blood is spilled on the ground, you will see the holy name of Khomeini in every drop of my blood.
John’s mother and you’s father have always been exemplary people, as I always wished to be successful and write about being a heroic woman to be a role model for others.
Parents, we have come to the Kaaba of purity and love, do not be sad if we receive martyrdom and if your bodies do not reach you. You, my father, after my death, take the weapon that I lost and fight for the Imam and my country to liberate the grave of Imam Hussein (AS).
My parents and all my friends and family, follow Velayat-e-Faqih and listen to the words of the Imam, give this Hussein time and do not choose another way other than his way, which is a way other than the way of the Imam, polytheism.
O God, this weak and humble servant has reached out to the need for a suite, God, forgive me that I could not be a worthy servant to you.
O God, You are the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate, and You are the One who gives us mercy in the ocean, so O God, forgive my sins.
In the hope of the victory of the warriors of Islam in all fronts of truth against falsehood, God, keep Mehdi Khomeini until the revolution.
Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you

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