Martyr Abbas Ali Avarjeh

Father’s name: Mohammad Klokh
Date of birth: May 22, 1964
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: March 13, 1985
Place of martyrdom: Majnoon Island
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Revolutionary Guards
A video of the dispatch

biography, diary
Martyr Abbas Ali Avarjeh was born on 1/3/1343 in Ferdows Dideh city and on 12/22/1363 in the East Tigris region, he was martyred in a high degree during the Badr operation.Martyr Abbas Ali Avarjeh, the son of Mohammad Klokh, on March 1, 1964, with his birth in a religious family from Ferdows city, gave enthusiasm, joy and warmth to this family. He spent his childhood in the warm embrace of his family and relatives and successfully completed his primary education in his hometown. After that period, he spent middle school and about three years of high school, while he was a calm and polite person and no one has ever been upset with him during this period. He always performed ablutions and actively participated in congregational prayers, and the remembrance of God always enlightened in his heart an eternal and dynamic love and movement towards God, so that he was considered as a model for family members. He always advised and advised his brothers and sisters to refrain from slander and absenteeism, to observe the hijab, and to avoid sin. He was from Tahajjud and night prayers and participated in Kamil and Tawassul prayers. He tried to be at home first night and spend time with his family. The dear martyr was always very kind and compassionate towards his father and especially his mother. With the start of the imposed war, he spent most of his time on the front lines, and even when he was on leave, he spent the night guarding the Basij. At the age of eighteen, he prepared for military service and joined the Revolutionary Guards of Ferdows city. He got married at the age of nineteen, and after marriage, he served in the Revolutionary Guards for 6 months and went to the front. During this time, he had a child and returned to the city to visit his son, but apparently, the visit of the god and the lover robbed him of patience and determination, and he returned to the front immediately after visiting his son. Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory . The dear martyr was always very kind and compassionate towards his father and especially his mother. With the start of the imposed war, he spent most of his time on the front lines, and even when he was on leave, he spent the night guarding the Basij. At the age of eighteen, he prepared for military service and joined the Revolutionary Guards of Ferdows city. He got married at the age of nineteen, and after marriage, he served in the Revolutionary Guards for 6 months and went to the front. During this time, he had a child and returned to the city to visit his son, but apparently, the visit of the god and the lover robbed him of patience and determination, and he returned to the front immediately after visiting his son. Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory . The dear martyr was always very kind and compassionate towards his father and especially his mother. With the start of the imposed war, he spent most of his time on the front lines, and even when he was on leave, he spent the night guarding the Basij. At the age of eighteen, he prepared for military service and joined the Revolutionary Guards of Ferdows city. He got married at the age of nineteen, and after marriage, he served in the Revolutionary Guards for 6 months and went to the front. During this time, he had a child and returned to the city to visit his son, but apparently, the visit of the god and the lover robbed him of patience and determination, and he returned to the front immediately after visiting his son. Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory . At the age of eighteen, he prepared for military service and joined the Revolutionary Guards of Ferdows city. He got married at the age of nineteen, and after marriage, he served in the Revolutionary Guards for 6 months and went to the front. During this time, he had a child and returned to the city to visit his son, but apparently, the visit of the god and the lover robbed him of patience and determination, and he returned to the front immediately after visiting his son. Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory . At the age of eighteen, he prepared for military service and joined the Revolutionary Guards of Ferdows city. He got married at the age of nineteen, and after marriage, he served in the Revolutionary Guards for 6 months and went to the front. During this time, he had a child and returned to the city to visit his son, but apparently, the visit of the god and the lover robbed him of patience and determination, and he returned to the front immediately after visiting his son. Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory . Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory . Until finally, on 12/22/1363, he was martyred in a high degree in the eastern region of the Tigris and in Operation Badr. great blessing and great memory .
The text of the will of Martyr Abbas Ali Avarjeh
In the name of Allah guard the blood of martyrs
with envy of the world cutting hard and gardens Murad goal Nchydn is hard to
say Shahidi tail end of the H. John and Karbala seeing hard
our winners for the martyrdom embraced take “Imam Khomeini”
or O you who are confident, return to Rabb, Marzieh, Marzieh Fadkhli in worship and the entrance to Paradise (last verse of Surah Fajr)
O safe soul and my heart, return today to the presence of your Lord, who is pleased with His eternal blessings and He is satisfied with your good deeds. And be immortal in the ranks of my special servants in my paradise.
Now that I am on the battlefield of right against wrong, right and wrong, whose war started from the time of Abel and Cain and will continue until the victory of right over wrong, God willing. The nation of martyrs came to the front not to take revenge but to keep alive the religion of Islam and the continuation and promotion of Islam and the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the preservation of the Islamic homeland and the message of the martyrs to the whole world. Now that I am on the battlefield, I ask God for help and I ask God to guide me to the straight path. My goal is God and my school is Islam and my leader is the Imam of the Nation. I ask God Almighty for every step I take and every bullet I shoot and my heart. I aim at the enemy to remember him and for the sake of God, every bullet that lands on my body, I bear his pain and suffering, which is sweeter than honey, and I ask God Almighty to remove me from the world of ugliness and the world that is hardship when I testify. And when you are heartbroken by this unfaithful world, remember this little servant. Baralha! God! My only wish is to participate in the fronts and then victory and then martyrdom in your way, God willing. Lord! I prefer a dignified death to a humiliating life in this turbulent world. God! I am troubled and anxious how I can give thanks for this blessing that you have kept me until this day when my death is a martyrdom in your way. And O Hussein Jan, who does not have a pilgrim’s grave now, I wanted to visit the grave of six corners, but God Almighty gave me the success of martyrdom on his way, and I could not come to visit the grave with all the warriors and open my heart, O Hussein Jan at that time When you called Nasser Yensrani, you were alone in the hot and scorching weather of Karbala, but no one answered your call and did not respond to your call.
If you wish to see and visit the grave of Imam Hussein (AS), go to the fronts so that, God willing, the blocked road to Karbala will be opened and go and visit the grave of the infallible Imams before death catches your throat. It is a way that our Imams sacrificed themselves and we and you who follow the religion of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) must sacrifice ourselves in this way and give up everything and our children and our lives and just try to keep Islam alive and But the task of the sisters is not to prevent your children from going to the front. Observe the Islamic hijab and continue the path of the martyrs, God willing. And a few words for the Basij brothers and the IRGC: I will continue the path of the martyrs, if they see me upset or wrong, they will forgive me, because I can not bear the torment of God Almighty, but I greet the service of my parents, my wife and other relatives, and I hope my last greeting, which is full of love and affection. You can accept it. Now that I’m not among you, I know how you feel, and I hope that your feelings are sincere and for God, and do not leave a speck of sorrow, because the one who gave me life has now bought my life, and I willingly sold my life, and I will return to him, I will return to him, and I will return to him. And if my body does not come to Ferdows, do not be upset about it because it is a war and my body may not come to Ferdows due to what happens in the war and you are not upset about it, whatever God wants will be the same and if I came to Ferdows Bury in Behesht Akbar along with the rest of the martyrs. And God willing, I hope that you will forgive the lowly one, because you have worked hard for me, God willing, your reward with God Almighty. But my message to you, my wife, I hope that in spite of all your love for me, you will be patient in my death and know that the martyr is always alive. On Friday nights, try to recite a complete prayer and pray for me that God forgives my sins, because when I was sad, I left them all for Friday night, to say my heartfelt condolences to God on Friday night, and to forgive and forgive God, and I hope. May my wife make my soul happy with your patience and perseverance. My wife, do not be sad in my martyrdom because my love
It is not a testimony that I do not want you, nor have you opened your place in my heart, but know that I have found a superior love, a more life-giving love than the love I burned in it for years, and I try to be his true love and finally to my sisters. And
My brothers and other relatives, I advise you not to be impatient and cry in my death, because it is a divine thing and it is for everyone, and I ask all my acquaintances and everyone I knew in some way to forgive me for any evil they saw in me. Also, for a humble person, pray one year and fast for about four months, and from friends who know me, they can fast for one or two days for this humble servant. Their reward will be with God, and I myself do not remember borrowing from anyone. I have, and if anyone asks me, give him everything he said and apologize to him for me. And in the end, thank all the brothers and sisters who attended my funeral, and I pray to all the sincere brothers and pray for the humble, especially those who had a close relationship with each other and attended the meetings that were held.
In the end, all together three times: Death to America – Death to the Soviet Union – Death to Israel, Death to Saddam Yazid the infidel.
God! God! Keep Mehdi Khomeini until the revolution. In the hope of increasing the ranks of the martyrs and the exaltation of all the martyrs of Islam. Establish the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the leadership of the invincible leader and leader of Imam Khomeini and in the hope of the victory of the right over the wrong and the liberation of the oppressed from the yoke of the arrogant.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of God and the blessings of
Abbas Ali Avarjeh

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