Martyr Mohammad Reza Dabbagh
Father’s name: Gholam Ali
Date of birth: October 31, 1964
Place of birth: Torbat Jam
Date of martyrdom: January 13, 1985
Place of martyrdom: Miandoab
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: included
In every society, there is a boil of blood that creates a commotion in the people of that society, and I feel sorry for those who lead the life of an animal in the world and are indifferent to all issues.
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Reza Dabbagh
In the name of the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
, I love those who fight in the cause of purity
. . “Imam Ali)”
After praising and glorifying God, there is no god but Him, and greetings to Sayyid and Molla and our dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) may God grant us success so that we can be a worthy soldier for the Imam of the Age (pbuh) now that the promised time has come and after several Staying in the camps for a day I go to the battlefields of truth against falsehood, I write a few words for my Muslim brothers and sisters and my parents that I have always witnessed to the Islamic Revolution and the martyrs. I applaud and accept the invitation of Imam Khomeini the Great, because I consider martyrdom a great happiness and I believe in the words of Martyr Morteza Motahhari that martyrs are the candle of humanity, so in every society there is boiling blood that creates boiling and movement in the people of that society and I am sorry. They are the ones who lead the life of the animal of the world and are indifferent to all issues.
But you, my dear family, first of all, I thank you, my parents, who have raised me in my pure lap to reach here, and I ask you to forgive me and be satisfied with me, and secondly, not to weep after my martyrdom, because by doing so, your heart The enemy will be happy and of course the reaction will be to hurt my soul. So be strong like a mountain and be patient, for you love the patient.
And you, my dear brothers and sisters, after my martyrdom, take my blood-stained weapon and attack the mercenaries of the East and the West, because our battle is not only with Saddam, but our dear Quds must be liberated, and you, my fellow students, strengthen the stronghold of the school. Keep it, but do not neglect the front trench next to it, because we have both tasks on our shoulders, my advice to you is to implement the Imam’s self-improvement orders in life and do not forget the night prayer and fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.
Your office brothers, also avoid paper games and pay more attention to the work of the villagers and the deprived of the society, and avoid underemployment, which is a great sin. I ask the people of my city and country not to forget the good, because your enemies will defeat you. Pay special attention to the Islamic communities and the Friday and congregational prayers, because our victory depends on these communities, and I strongly urge you to Until the last breath, he will not stop helping Imam Khomeini, because today he is the guardian jurist and deputy to the right of the Imam of the time, and obedience to his command is obligatory on every Muslim. May God grant all of you success in pure worship and servitude and extend the life of Imam Khomeini until the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and bring all the warriors of Islam to the final victory on the battlefields.
ا… ربنا – اسلام مکتبنا- الخمیني قاعدنا – ا… according to Akbar Khomeini Leader – لا اله الا ا… – محمد رسول ا…
والسلام علیکم و رحمه ا… وبرکاته
محمد رضا
دباغ 10/2/1361

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