Martyr Aminullah Sadeghi Sorond
Father’s name: Nasrollah
Date of birth: May 23, 1956
Place of birth: Sorond
Date of martyrdom: August 1, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Landfill: Sorond
Sending unit: Pasdar
biography, diary
Martyr Aminullah Soldaghi Sarand was born in 1335 in Sarand village of Ferdows city, in a family whose people were known for their efforts in agriculture. Aminullah is a native of a village whose people start their mornings with the morning call to prayer, and religiosity is a part of their lives and seeking their rights is their motto. As during the imperial oppression, the youth of the village waged their struggles with enlightenment against the Pahlavi regime by distributing Imam’s tapes and books, and Aminullah made great efforts to publish it. Aminullah was also a leader in the field of science and in the field of law. He continued until his bachelor’s degree. With the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, he joined the revolutionaries and became a member of the Revolutionary Guards. With the beginning of the imposed war, he was also active in combat units, and whenever he returned to the village, he would prepare and support the fronts with one of his comrades-in-arms and collect aid for the fronts. Finally, the heavenly spirit of this great martyr rushed to the land of Imam Hussein (AS) and drank martyrdom syrup on the 10th of August of the year 1361 in the Shalamcheh region during the Ramadan operation. The will of martyr Aminullah Saladqi Sarand: At a time when our Islamic country was brutally attacked by mercenary Saddam, this servant surrendered to the United States and the Soviet Union and the best young people of this land only for supporting Islam and enforcing its laws and preserving the achievements of the Islamic Revolution. It has been targeted by Russian and American bullets and has not even spared innocent children and the elderly. It has destroyed the homes of the Muslim people, looted their furniture and property, and displaced several millions of deprived and Muslim masses in Iran. Has become homeless. According to the Qur’an, it is upon us all to be equipped and to jihad in the way of God and the salvation of the oppressed, and to save these deprived people from the yoke of the superpowers. Fully support the militant clerics who follow the line of the Imam, because it was the clerics who mobilized the great masses of the Muslim people, and at the head of them was Hazrat Naib al-Imam Ruhollah al-Musawi Khomeini, who led this movement of Islam and brought this great victory because it was defeated. The clergy is equal to the defeat of the Islamic Revolution and dear Islam, which is the soul of God and the deputy of Imam Mahdi (as). – I ask you, the Muslim nation of war, not to forget the war and consider it a fundamental issue, because our honor, religion, country and revolution depend on this war. War is a blessing and is one of the divine graces and a university war that teaches human beings the lessons of self-sacrifice, courage, self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice.
The text of the will of martyr Aminullah Sadeghi
((In the Name of the Lord Alshhda and
Alsdyqyn)) ((Anfrva Khfafa and Sqala and Jhdva Bamvalkm and Anfskm … Zlkm good for you in the way of the Kntm
Tlmvn)) thanks to his boundless Allah who granted me success once again headed to The battlefields of the right against the wrong and I hope that my finger will not go on the trigger unless he wants and I will not say anything except his consent and I will not take a step except in his way and I can ??? Take care that I can defend my school and my leader, and include this great success and great victory in me so that I can unite the dear Islam and the Islamic Revolution that is going through the tyranny of the oppressors and the arrogant and vampire superpowers of East and West and their whole existence. To destroy their evil ambitions and desires, to protect them and to donate this invaluable drop of my blood in the way of the bloody Islamic revolution, maybe to pay my respects to Islam and the revolution and the Islamic homeland.
At a time when our Islamic country has been savagely attacked by mercenary Saddam, this servant has surrendered to the United States and the Soviet Union and targeted the best young people of this land just for supporting Islam and enforcing its laws and preserving the achievements of the Islamic Revolution. He does not even have mercy on innocent children and the elderly, and he has destroyed the houses of the Muslim people, looted their furniture and property, and displaced several million of the deprived and Muslim masses of Iran and made them homeless.
According to the Qur’an, it is up to us all to be equipped and to jihad in the way of God and the salvation of the oppressed, and to save these deprived people from the yoke of the superpowers, and not only Saddam, who wanted to conquer Iran and overthrow the Islamic government within a week. Nothing has happened before, but it is mired in a whirlpool that is impossible to save, and it is going to be dismantled soon, and the deprived and oppressed people of Iraq will be saved from it, and the United States and its mercenaries must know about a country whose people are armed. They are God Almighty, no one can stand against these and a nation that considers martyrdom in the way of God as happiness and accepts martyrdom with open arms, this nation will not fail.
And a nation that follows the Red School of Martyrdom and leadership, such as Hussein (AS), the master of the free, and his grandson Khomeini, the idol-breaker, and Ibrahim Zaman, always has the slogan: “
My staff is humiliated.”
He intends to advance his holy goal like a flood of founders and is not afraid of anything but God.
The United States, the Soviet Union and their mercenaries must know that this is a nation that will always be on the battlefield, fighting to the last drop of blood in its body, against these arrogant people, and they will never give up and stand up to their coercion, because Language is always the condition that:
((We live in calm, not to believe that Mvjym that we lack our convenience))
because it did not give the right to cancel and victory is the Koran promises and this The deprived and oppressed nation is armed with the weapon of faith, which is the most victorious weapon and nothing can stand against it, and whoever stands in front of this winning weapon has been defeated, and this weapon is always victorious.
Can these criminal superpowers and Saddam and their other mercenaries resist these sharp gunmen? Certainly not, and soon, with the help and grace of the truth, they will be entrusted to the dustbin of history, because:
((And for the sake of falsehood and for the sake of the state))
God willing, when I was killed in the battle against the forces of Saddam’s infidelity and Saddamists, I have several wills that I ask all my brothers to fulfill.
1- Be a supporter of Velayat-e-Faqih and now this official has manifested himself in the presence of the Imam of the Ummah, because what has protected this country from harm since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution and has resisted and thwarted it against all conspiracies. Velayat-e-Faqih and the wisdom of the Imam of the Ummah, and what kept us safe from deviation, was Velayat-e-Faqih, and it is a direct path that leads to God and the evolution of human society.
Do not be deceived by the devils and do not stop supporting Velayat-e-Faqih and this compassionate leader and hope of the oppressed of the world. Be .
The ummah, Velayat-e-Faqih, continues the path of the prophets and guardians and is the guardian of the laws of Islam and the guarantor of the honor and dignity of this ummah.
Give full support to the militant clerics who follow the line of the Imam, because it was the clerics who mobilized the great mass of the Muslim people, and at the head of them was Hazrat Naib al-Imam Ruhollah al-Musawi Khomeini, who led this movement of Islam and brought this great victory because it was defeated. The clergy is equal to the defeat of the Islamic Revolution and dear Islam, which is the soul of God and the deputy of Imam Mahdi (as).
2- I ask you, the warring Muslim nation, not to forget the war and consider it a fundamental issue, because our honor, religion, country and revolution depend on this war, and victory in the war, victory of Islam and honor and pride. It is the country and the victory of the Islamic Revolution, which is the foundation of the Mahdi government and the realization of the ideal of the oppressed of the world, and God willing, we will win thanks to our right.
War is a blessing and is one of the divine grace and academic war that teaches man the lesson of self-sacrifice, courage, sacrifice and self-sacrifice and is necessary for a nation that wants to lead human society and stand and resist against oppressive superpowers. And this nation must be hardened and resilient like steel.
And when man enters the battlefield of truth against falsehood, he forgets everything, even his wife and children, and thinks only of God and the victory of Islam and the fate of the revolution, and gives inner purity, and a new spirit is breathed into the human body.
3- I have a sum of money on loan to Mr. Seyyed Jalil Sharifi, deposit it in the account of 100 Imams to be spent in the service of the revolution, and I also have a quantity of books, I recommend to Mr. Hossein Sepehri to deliver it to the library of Sarand village For the general public to use.
4- Bury my body in my hometown, God willing. I would like you to write this sentence of the server of the freedmen on
my grave:
“If Islam is immortal when it kills me, it is a bullet fired from all sides.” Foundation martyr ask the least amount not to my family, because I have not fought for money and position but also to protect Islam and the Islamic homeland and the revolution and according to my religious duty I have fought in God’s cause:
( (La Asylkm brick reward on God, Lord of the
worlds)) 5 – of all ethnic groups would have to urge me not to cry and not do more thing that undermine soldiers’ morale and boost the spirit of the enemy, because this way on purpose And I have chosen by my own will, and martyrdom in the way of God is a great victory and a great salvation, and it is a cause of honor and pride, it is the blood that overthrew the 2500-year-old idol and the super-criminals
We have terrified the East and the West, and we must water this young sapling of the revolution with our blood so that it grows so that its foliage casts a shadow over the whole world and brings grace to the deprived of the world.
6- O fighting nation and always on the scene, morning and evening, pray for the longevity of this precious and awake leader, so that the shadow of this leader does not fade from our heads and the lives of thousands of us are sacrificed for a moment of the leader’s life.
God, God, God, Akbar, my dear, sacrifice a moment of your life as a leader, because the uprising of this leader and the rightful deputy of Mahdi (pbuh) breathed new life into the dead body of this society and promised victory to all the oppressed of the world. And he was the only one who stood up and resisted like this against the criminal superpowers and rubbed their noses on the ground. Peace and mercy of God and the prophets be upon him and his followers.
7- O state officials, know the dignity of this Muslim mass deprived of society, and this class, after the high position of the Imam’s leadership, has played and still has a fundamental role in the victory of the revolution, and they always listen to the Imam’s orders. Freedom, goodness and blessings have returned to our country and these are the basis for the continuation of the revolution.
When you look at the front, there are souls on the shroud who have sacrificed their entire country and existence and laid down their lives in accordance with sincerity and sacrificed their lives for Islam and the revolution. They are just nagging behind the front and laying the groundwork for the revolution, and enrich this oppressed class spiritually and materially, especially spiritually, because we have lived under the domination of colonial culture for several thousand years and Islamic culture is still alive. It does not fit perfectly in society and do not spare these anti-people and anti-revolutionaries, because they are like Abu Jahl who know the truth but do not obey it and want to serve the superpowers, and no matter how much you pity them, enough .
Eradicate these so that complete security and peace will return to the country.
You see that oppressed 14-year-old boy who is on the front and sacrifices, but on the contrary, they use the treasury of the Muslims and use it against this deprived mass.
O Muslim nation, know your worth and dignity, the Leader says about you: “
I am proud of God that I have been in such a period of time that our youth are like this” and also the value of this Know the precious and precious gems and divine treasures on earth and the Imam of the Ummah and the Spirit of God and the Supporter of the Oppressed and pray day and night for his life and I say to America, the Soviet Union, Saddam and their other mercenaries: O fools, a nation that is martyred In the way of God, they precede each other in happiness and in achieving martyrdom, and all of them are united and obey the command of the time of command, they are the vicegerents of the rights of the others. They are victorious and invincible.
This Muslim nation, thanks to the right and leadership of Imam al-Zaman, Hazrat
Baqiyatullah and his deputy, the idol-breaking Khomeini, will thwart all your conspiracies, because God promises: Husayn my life I write this slogan:
Hussein Hussein testified our motto is our honor
God Bless O Lord, until the revolution of Khomeini’s Mahdi al-Islam and the Muslim Ansr Arzqna success Altah and Alshhadh O and O Jl Akhzl Alkfar and Almnafqyn In the vulva of Maulana Sahib Al-Zaman, God bless our Imams and our authority, Khomeini, may God protect our leader, God bless Ansar, the Muslims in the east of the earth and the West. And we supported the disbelieving people)
Amin … honest signed a martyr
and take 03/01/61 wishing you peace and kindness of God and his blessings

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