Martyr Mohammad Ali Asibi
Father’s name: Hassan
Date of birth: July 31, 1959
Place of birth: Baghestan
Date of martyrdom: April 16, 1983
Place of martyrdom: Kurdistan
Burial place: Baghestan Olya
Sending unit: Pasdar
biography, diary
Martyr Mohammad Ali Asibi, son of Hassan, a hero in the fields of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, was born on 8/5/1342 in the village of Mahvid in the city of Ferdows. Despite his love and interest in education, unfortunately due to lack of facilities and financial means and lack of school in the village, he dropped out of school and later migrated to the village of Upper Baghistan, attended night classes and studied in the second grade of elementary school, but separated reading and writing. He also attended classes and read and wrote well. He prayed and fasted as much as he could, even before he reached the age of duty. He believed that we talk to God in prayer, so we should be polite and dignified. He considered attending the mosque necessary for congregational prayers and religious ceremonies, and was active in the mourning ceremonies of the Imams, especially the mourners of the martyrs. He was a good-natured, good-natured man, accustomed to prayer, social and responsible. He was effective in individual communities and was never indifferent to issues. He took an active part in the popular march during the Revolution and expressed his disgust with the infamous Pahlavi regime by distributing leaflets and ……. He announced. As a child, Tasen was a farmer at the age of 17 and helped with work with his father. Later, he became an official member of the Revolutionary Guards of Ferdows city. He got married on 1/6/59 and the fruit of his marriage was a boy. The enemy was encouraging. For this reason, he was sent to Kurdistan three times and fought with the Democrats and Komala for about a year in its war zones, including Piranshahr, Mahabad, Sardasht and the surrounding villages. He had an iron will and came on leave every time. He is impatiently waiting to return to the front. He was in love with Imam (ra) and John Weddell loved him so much that he considered appreciating and obeying the deputy of Imam Zaman (as) as a religious obligation. On the front, she served sincerely as a platoon deputy, female RPG and wireless chi. Finally, after being shot in the leg, he was captured by the counter-revolution, and after enduring a lot of torture, he reached the peak of Saadat peak on 1/27/1362, and by sacrificing his pure blood, he gained the position of a cobra. May his soul rest in peace, and may too many people follow his way . He is impatiently waiting to return to the front. He was in love with Imam (ra) and John Weddell loved him so much that he considered appreciating and obeying the deputy of Imam Zaman (as) as a religious obligation. On the front, she served sincerely as a platoon deputy, female RPG and wireless chi. Finally, after being shot in the leg, he was captured by the counter-revolution, and after enduring a lot of torture, he reached the peak of Saadat peak on 1/27/1362, and by sacrificing his pure blood, he gained the position of a cobra. May his soul rest in peace, and may too many people follow his way . He is impatiently waiting to return to the front. He was in love with Imam (ra) and John Weddell loved him so much that he considered appreciating and obeying the deputy of Imam Zaman (as) as a religious obligation. On the front, she served sincerely as a platoon deputy, female RPG and wireless chi. Finally, after being shot in the leg, he was captured by the counter-revolution, and after enduring a lot of torture, he reached the peak of Saadat peak on 1/27/1362, and by sacrificing his pure blood, he gained the position of a cobra. May his soul rest in peace, and may too many people follow his way .
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Ali Damage

((Name of
God)) Allah is my Ashtar Ali Al Janna Anfs·hm and Amvalhm Ban lahum God lives and property in the face of heaven buys believers, after which he lives the Femen not hesitate ore countenance Yrjva The Lord of deeds is practically righteous and not polytheistic
. He gave us honor and compassion.
Greetings to Hussein, the martyr of the Mojahedin of Islam, and greetings to the followers of the Imam’s line, and greetings to the martyrs of our Islamic Revolution.
I ask you to appreciate this Deputy Mahdi, whose obedience is a religious obligation, and I hope that our friends, relatives and friends will take revenge on the Saddamists and will not allow the superpowers of the East and the West to win over us.
According to the message of the Imam, I am going to the war-torn region of Kurdistan to make the tree of the Islamic Revolution of my homeland more fertile by sacrificing my life for the sake of Islam and my homeland and my supreme leader Imam Khomeini.
My father: Peace be upon you who, like Ibrahim, sent your son to the altar by the command of God Almighty. Know and be aware that Ishmael never disobeys the command of God Almighty.
My mother: Peace be upon you, who finally overcame your motherly feelings, as you guided me and invited me to the fronts of truth against falsehood, that I might be a model for my compatriots, my fellow citizens, my relatives, and you said that you are in the way of God. I give the gift of the Islamic Revolution. I hope that my brother Ahmed can continue on my path and not let my weapon fall to the ground.
My sister Fatemeh, be like Zeinab Zaman and the sisters of the lost brother and the young mothers killed and the brides who lost their husbands.
My wife, I hope that during these few years of life, life, if I get angry in some cases, forgive me, my wife, may God be pleased with you because I am pleased with you.
My wife’s life is just a classroom where one has to take an exam sooner or later, and if I went to the fronts of right against wrong, maybe it was time for my exam. However, I hope you forgive me for leaving you and my child alone, because we believe that God is our protector and because we consider God to be omnipotent, do not worry. I hope you raise the child very well after me, because he is my only relic and I ask you not to cry for me, because our enemies are happy, but be happy, because you are the wife of a martyr or the volunteer and lip service of Hussein Zamaneh universe .
I bequeath to my wife that you should raise our child as I wished and still do, and when she grows up, she should know that during the revolution, her father fought the infidels with the soldiers of Islam and became a martyr, which is to continue my path as the path of truth.
I testify to my parents that after me, the care of my family is on you, and do not behave in such a way that my child feels orphaned, and if you love me, do not be harsh with my wife and child or misbehave that I will not rest in the grave. And I will not rest.
Load four parts of the garden with the two meters you wanted to give to my son and document it.
In the end I ask you to forgive me and my dear parents and dear brothers and sisters, if I was not a good child for you and a good brother for you and my wife if I was not a good wife for you and my wife’s parents and my brothers and sister if groom Goodness and people and neighbors, if I was not a good neighbor for you, I hope you will forgive me and be satisfied with me.
Many times, because I did not have time, I wrote two lines of wills. I do not remember anything at the moment, if anyone asks me, give it to me.
My wife, I am asking Seyed Hassan Seyed for 4 Tomans and take whatever he has spent on the building and take the rest.
I did not know that we were going to the operation to write the will with the opportunity, I thought we were on leave and I did not write the will, once they said write the will that we want to go to the operation, because I did not know about family problems
In the end, I ask God to give you more patience.
Do not forget about prayer and fasting for me, whatever you were able to do, and I ask you to pray for me that God forgives us of our sins, and do not cry for me, and keep your patience, and I hope that you will be pleased with me. , Because I did not do a good job for you and especially my wife because I bothered her a lot.
If the will is not good, he would forgive me because I was illiterate.
I have no choice, I hope that when I become a martyr, you will be able to go to Karbala and visit the 6-corner tomb of Imam Hussein (AS).
The will of Mohammad Ali Dami from Ferdows Baghistan Olya about Hassan Amoli The tails of the carpet that are woven in the executor are written on a sheet of paper. If he was not satisfied with whatever amount you could satisfy him or Ahmad would take the money, he would weave a carpet for Hassan.
In addition, four is a garden for my wife’s dowry. Give me the extra 2 meters that you wanted to give me.
Mohamed Ali Asebi Signed

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