Martyr Abdul Ali Parsa
Brother of martyrs Abdul Razzaq and Mohammad Parsa
Father’s name: Ali Akbar
Date of birth: August 22, 1950
Place of birth: Iranshahr
Date of martyrdom: November 2, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Ein Khosh
Burial place: Isfahan
Sending unit: Basij
The text of the will of the martyred Revolutionary Guards, Engineer Abdul Ali Parsa
In the name of the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
, he loves those who kill in the
cause of purity.
If you do not kill me, the religion of the high right, then the swords, come to my body
in these glorious and majestic moments, ready to move and fight relentlessly and decisively with the leaders of world infidelity and their second-hand agents, the Ba’athist Zionist regime in Iraq. Perfect health of mind, body and mind, I offer a few sentences as a testament to the greatness of the martyred and free nation of Iran and all the Muslims of the world and my relatives and families:
1- I ask all the free Muslims of the world, especially the martyred nation of Iran, who are in every dress, place and situation, to spare no effort in recognizing the Quranic and narrative truths and the issue of Velayat, especially Velayat-e-Faqih, which is the stable pillar of Islam.
2- The undisputed and boiled leadership from the heart of the Quran and the hadith of the great leader of the revolution and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, is not hidden from anyone from the awakened nation. Islamic countries should try.
3- I advise the committed Muslim brothers and sisters, especially the brothers of the Islamic Association, to make this order of Imam al-Sadiq (as) the top priority of their work
I ask the Muslim and committed brothers who are not members of the Islamic Association to follow the orders of the Imam of the Nation and the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, Imam Khomeini, with the support and support of the intellectuals and the performance and characteristics of the members, so that God forbid Responsibility should not infiltrate the Islamic Association, and if any Muslim is observed, it is obligatory and obligatory for him to refer to the competent authorities through Islamic and Sharia means, if possible, otherwise. The brothers of the Islamic Association should pay attention to this order of Imam Sadegh (AS) that:
I act without knowledge and it corrupts most of my benefits.
“Whoever works in the way of Islam but does not have knowledge and knowledge, the corruption that arises from his work is more than its benefit.”
Therefore, try to spend at least one to two hours a day, whether in the form of a class or using other facilities, to learn Islamic sciences.
4- As the hope of the Imam of the Nation, Mujahid and tireless jurist, Hazrat Ayatollah… Montazeri advised: that the youth should not learn Islamic sciences along with their other activities and one of our father’s wishes was that one of his children should study Islamic sciences to my brother I advise Mehdi to continue learning Islamic sciences.
5- My wife, know and be aware that while you are reading these lines, your husband has rushed to the survival of the beloved and your crying and wailing have no effect on your destiny. Go to heaven through the door of patience and deal with all those who attend my funeral with openness and invincible will, and rely on God and recite the Qur’an as much as you can.
6- The service of my dear mother who suffered and endured hardships and educated me in Islam so that I could have happiness and martyrdom. I gave it. Dear mother and wife, know that I will be with you wherever I am.
7- I ask my son Ruh که to try his best in learning Islamic sciences and I ask my daughters Shabnam and Maryam to treat their mother with complete humility and kindness and to obey their mother without any reason.
And peace be upon you and Ali Ebadullah Salehin
Ali Parsa 5/29/1361

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