Martyr Seyed Mohammad Hojjati
Father’s name: Yaghoob
Date of birth: March 22, 1964
Place of birth: Bidskan
Date of martyrdom: July 14, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Burial place: Bidskan
Sending unit: Basij
biography, diary
The martyr “Seyyed Mohammad Hojjati”, the son of Yaqub, was born on the 2nd of Farvardin 1343 in a religious family in the village of Bidskan in the city of Ferdows.

He had a very serious illness as a child; After recovering and during his childhood, he spent his primary education in his hometown and then left for Ferdows to continue his education. Due to financial problems and poverty, he studied only until the second grade of middle school, after which he worked to help support his family, and in his spare time he also helped his parents.
Seyyed Mohammad’s adolescence coincided with the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and he did not spare any effort to make Imam Khomeini’s movement fruitful. After the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution of Iran, he also participated in Basij bases and military classes.
With the start of the war imposed by the Ba’athist regime of Iraq against Iran, Seyyed Mohammad, who was 18 years old, went to the battlefields of the right against the wrong for the first time in early 1982 due to his great love and affection. He was sent to the southern operational areas and participated in the war as a fighter of the 21st Imam Reza (AS) Brigade, until finally, after 3 months in the front during the Ramadan operation and in the Shalamcheh operational area, he was hit in the head by shrapnel on July 14th. In 1982, he was martyred and became a martyr.
The pure body of the martyr was buried in the flower garden of the martyrs of his birthplace after the funeral.
*** A memoir from the martyr’s father: “My son Seyyed Mohammad was a scholar and revolutionary. Thank God, he was very careful in performing religious duties. He was a person of prayer and mosque and always advised those around him to pay attention to prayer, Quran and Nahjul Balagha. He, who was very interested in Imam Khomeini (as), participated in mobilization bases and military classes and waited for the opportunity to rush to the battlefields at the behest of the Supreme Leader.
I remember when my son’s departure to the front was decided, one day he went to the flower garden of the village martyrs and made a covenant with the holy souls of the martyrs to continue their journey as long as he lives. At the same time, he was referring to the tomb of the village martyrs. I must also follow the path taken by these martyrs and defend Islam and the revolution. He, who had a very high spirit to go to jihad in the way of God, told his friends, “You do not know how happy I am that I want to go to the front.” What surprised me and others was that my son, while attending the shrine of the martyrs, pointed to a place as his burial place after his martyrdom next to the holy graves of the martyrs and said: I will not return from this journey. Know that I have chosen this path consciously and I will be martyred in this path, God willing.
The day I saw my son doing this, I was heartbroken and convinced that this meeting would be the last meeting between me and him, and so it was. “Less than three months after my son was present at the front, we were informed of his martyrdom on the Shalamcheh front, and as he himself had said, he was laid to rest in the flower garden of the village martyrs, along with other rosy-shrouded martyrs.”
The text of the will of martyr Seyyed Mohammad Hojjati
In the name of God
((Our Lord, grant us patience and record our actions and help us against the disbelieving people)) (Holy Quran) Now that I am writing this, you do not know how happy I am with the excitement that I want to go to the front of truth against falsehood, and because you see that our Islamic country is at war with the Ba’athist infidels and the Ba’athist mercenaries are encroaching on our land and our honor. As a Muslim with a small share, I consider it my duty to practice my religion, and that is to take part in the war, I want to tell my parents and brother, that I I am going to the front, do not be upset, and if I once deserved to be martyred in the way of Islam, I ask the survivors to refrain from crying as much as you can, and instead of crying, thank God that it is a good thing to fight in the way of God. And God knows when the bullets hit usBard, I feel, what a pleasant song it is.
I repeat, if I am martyred, do not cry that I am a child of Islam and I have been martyred in the way of God, and if you cry and cry, the enemies of Islam will be happy, and know that the child who was martyred in the way of God is a source of pride and Islam It is stable with this blood, and we must give blood and blood to be able to prove the legitimacy of Islam.
O God, you are a witness that I have nothing dearer than my soul to sacrifice Islam and the Qur’an.
O God, be the helper and helper of the Imam of the Khomeini Ummah.
I advise my family and friends to follow the line of the Imam as long as they have blood in their body.
After my martyrdom, do not hold a grand assembly for me, be happy, because I won and I achieved my dream.
I hope that the brothers and friends, with their stability, will clean the borders and the landscape of this Islamic country from the hands of the evil and infidel enemies.
I advise you to pray, do not deviate from Nahj al-Balaghah and the Qur’an, and abstain from sins.
My testament to my mother is that whenever you remember me and want to cry, or come to my grave, at that moment, think of Hussein (AS). , Exalted himself and his children to the Almighty.
My dear mother, hang my clothes on the nails of the wall, because I am not dead, but alive.
I ask my friends not to let this Saddam and the dirty Saddam invade our beloved land as much as you can.
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