Martyr Mohammad Ali Ashouri
Father’s name: Abbas
Date of birth: January 24, 1959
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: July 29, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Shalamcheh
Burial place: Ferdows
Deployment unit: mobilization of Ramadan operations

Martyr Mohammad Ali Ashouri, son of Abbas, was born on 4/11/1337 in a religious family from Ferdows city. DaysHe spent his childhood and childhood in the arms of his pious parents until he entered the primary school of Ghiasuddin in his hometown when he reached the age of 7. With the help of his family and father, he continued his education until the second grade of middle school and then dropped out of school. Mohammad Ali was deeply interested in his family due to his great efforts. In addition to working in congregational prayers and performing religious duties, he was also actively involved in religious ceremonies, especially the mourning of the martyrs. Islami was sent to military service. At the same time, with the height of the struggle against the Pahlavi government, on the orders of Khomeini, at the same time as the soldiers fled the barracks, he rejected the Imam’s order and joined the ranks of the demonstrators. Mohammad Ali always participated in marches and demonstrations against the Pahlavi government. Mohammad Ali got married two years after the revolution on 11/12/1359, and in addition to being a helper to his wife in doing housework, he did not neglect to remember his parents and also to serve them. He was diligent in solving the problems of other family members and people. In dealing with people, he observed good manners and social etiquette. After marriage, he started working in a mosaic factory to provide for his family and livelihood. With the beginning of the imposed war of Iraq against Iran, he enthusiastically joined the ranks of the fighters until he was sent to Ahvaz in early 1961 after passing the necessary training in Birjand. At the beginning of his presence in war zones, he started welding and repairing tanks according to the specialization he had already learned. After a while, he wrote in a letter: In dealing with people, he observed good manners and social etiquette. After marriage, he started working in a mosaic factory to provide for his family and livelihood. With the beginning of the imposed war of Iraq against Iran, he enthusiastically joined the ranks of the fighters until he was sent to Ahvaz in early 1961 after passing the necessary training in Birjand. At the beginning of his presence in war zones, he started welding and repairing tanks according to the specialization he had already learned. After a while, he wrote in a letter: In dealing with people, he observed good manners and social etiquette. After marriage, he started working in a mosaic factory to provide for his family and livelihood. With the beginning of the imposed war of Iraq against Iran, he enthusiastically joined the ranks of the fighters until he was sent to Ahvaz in early 1961 after passing the necessary training in Birjand. At the beginning of his presence in war zones, he started welding and repairing tanks according to the specialization he had already learned. After a while, he wrote in a letter:” I came to fight, not to weld. So I want to go to the front line. ” Following this letter, he went to Khorramshahr and fought valiantly for a while as a female RPG fighter. At the end of her mission and with the beginning of the Ramadan operation, she fought in front of the enemy forces with the same responsibility as a female RPG, and finally, on 7/5/1361, she was martyred in a high degree in the Shalamcheh area (Zayd checkpoint). great blessing and great memory .
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Ali Ashouri

The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Ali Ashouri
In the name of the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, and
do not think that those who are killed in the way of God will be resurrected.
I told my brother that if I came back I would come with a victory and if I did not come back my brothers would come victorious. Anyone who fights for freedom is always free. Mother, I want you to celebrate the day of my martyrdom as (like) the day of our bridegroom and have no grief, and this is the greatest honor I have in the world, and do not write on my grave because I have reached my taste.
Because I know that many of our sins will be forgiven in this month, my mother, I dreamed that I was martyred, but I do not know what will happen in the end, and I also dreamed that several other people were martyred with me, and when their will They say that I had a dream in the same world that I do not have a will and I was very upset and sad about why I did not write a will for you. It has been, and if God Almighty bestows this happiness on me, I want you not to ask for anything from others and not to reach out to anyone in need, because I did not come here for money, but I came here for God and pray to the Imam as much as possible. And I will not take you more than this honorable time and I will leave you to the unique God. God bless you

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