Martyr Gholam Hossein Khalilnia

Father’s name: Reza
Date of birth: May 16, 1963
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: June 25, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Basij
The text of the will of Martyr Gholam Hossein Khalilnia
In the name of the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
. If he is afflicted with the disease of worldliness and greed and the love of the world pervades his heart, he will hate the non-world and us “Imam Khomeini”
Now that God has given me the success to be able to move towards the right and find my way to the front of this university of self-improvement and humanization, I am writing a few sentences as the relief of my soul. Now that I am going to the front, I am proud that the Imam of the Age has accepted me as a soldier so that I can repress the infidels and the enemies of Islam, and I am proud to be martyred in this way (of God). Forgive me, my dear parents, although I have not been able to repay your efforts during my life, but now that God has helped me, I ask you not to cry for me so that the enemies of Islam will not be happy. And be patient in your deeds as you have been patient, and may God grant you patience and reward. And in the Qur’an, God says about the patient, or those who “ask forgiveness with patience and prayer for those who are patient.” Protect yourself, who is your stronghold. It is your hijab that causes the defeat of the enemies and the victory of Islam, and just as the warriors shoot their bullets at the enemies, you also open the heart of the enemy with your hijab. Follow Imam Khomeini and the militant and committed clergy to Islam and maintain the unity of your enemy. Another is that those who are crawling in the hole and are short of breath, come and take a look at these fronts and see how the pure children of the Prophet’s sacrifice their lives for Islam and their leader. These are the heavenly books that take man away from all evils and ugliness and create happiness for us, and although I myself could not learn as a Muslim should know from these books, but I ask you to read and understand, and peace and blessings be upon him. And blessings. Hope for the victory of Islam and all the oppressed all over the world and in the hope that the flag of God Almighty will be raised all over the world.
Gholam Hossein Khalil Nia
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