Shahid Hassan Ayadi

Date of birth: December 1, 1965

Place of birth: Ferdows

Date of martyrdom: May 24, 1982

Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr

Burial place: Ferdows

Sending unit: Basij

The text of the will of Martyr Hassan Ayadi

In the name of the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
, and strike with the rope of all of them and do not be
divided : hold on to the rope of God and do not disperse (Holy Quran) Infidelity, now that I am going to the front of truth against falsehood, I considered it necessary to make a few wills for you, my fellow citizens and friends. Come along and confront the hypocrites and the fifth pillar of the enemy who appear in every suit and do not let them open their arms and legs more.
My second testament is that I ask my parents, brothers and sisters to follow the path I have taken and not to cry at my funeral, because he may be happy with the counter-revolution, in which he should be as patient as possible. Show and have revolutionary patience. I thank my parents who also raised a child and gave them the invaluable gift in the way of Islam, and if you, my youngest child in my family, are bad or immoral to you, my parents, brothers and sisters, you should be very grateful. Forgive yourself.
My third testament is to show my face as much as possible to the students in our class who have been together for several years. And I ask the Basij or the IRGC not to help my parents at all because of my blood, because I am not for money or selling blood, or not for taking a wajib or a few kilometers of the country, but only for the sake of God and for the sake of God, the Qur’an and Islam. I go and as our dear Imam Khomeini said, we must export this revolution and this Islamic Republic to the whole world, and it is up to you young people to be able to export this Islamic Republic to the whole world and give Palestine by giving your blood. Liberate the occupation from usurper Israel and establish congregational prayers in Jerusalem under the leadership of Imam Khomeini. In the hope of the victory of blood over the sword and in the hope that the flag of La ilaha illa Allah and Muhammad, the Messenger of God, will fly over the whole world.

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings be upon
Hassan Ayadi



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