Martyr Mohammad Reza Banavy Khankouk

Father’s name: Mohammad Hussein
Date of birth: October 26, 1967
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: May 5, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Kushk
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Basij
biography, diary
The student of martyr Mohammad Reza Banavi Khankouk, son of Hussein, was born on 4/8/1346 in Ferdows city in a poor family. He spent his childhood in the arms of school-loving and loving parents of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and learned how to socialize well and always treated the younger ones with compassion. He started and completed his primary education in Hakim Elahi School. (This period coincided with the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution) Then he began his education in middle school and up to the second grade in the school of Seyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi in Ferdows. One of his highlights during this period was the study of useful non-textbooks, which he read for 6 hours a day. To close.
With the start of the imposed war, while he was a sophomore in middle school, he dropped out of school and went to the battlefield of right against wrong to defend his country. At first, he went to Birjand for basic training and military techniques, and after training, he was in Ferdows for a while and then went to the southern front. During her three months on the front, Martyr Banavi fought against the aggressors in the Kushk and Shalchemeh areas.
Finally, the dear martyr, Mohammad Reza Banuki Khankouk, took part in the Ramadan operation on 12/15/1361, and in the Kushkak area, due to being hit by shrapnel all over his body and severe injuries and bleeding, he accepted the call of truth and was martyred. This martyr was buried in the Martyrs’ Flower Garden of Ferdows city after his funeral. His soul is happy and his memory is dear.
Source: Documents and Publications Office of the General Office of the Martyr and Veterans Affairs Foundation of South Khorasan
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Reza Banavi Khankok
In the name of the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful, and do not comprehend those who were killed for the sake of the dead, but revived in the presence of their Lord Yarzqun: Do not think that those who are killed in the way of God are dead, but alive and eating with God. Karbala shroud of Iran, my dear family, I do not know whether I will be among you or not. The rape of the Yazidis is time consuming.
Dear friends: This Islamic Republic, which is the blood of thousands of martyrs, has been entrusted to you and me. You must be its guardian, and that is not possible by donating blood. Let me dedicate the drop of blood that I have in Karbala, Iran, to the path of Islam and my Imam, a heavier responsibility has been placed on you, and that is to convey the message of the martyrs to the world and the Islamic world, and be diligent in fulfilling this responsibility.
My dear classmates and students, I ask you not to leave the trenches of the mosque and the school. If I am martyred, bury me in a place with the consent of my parents and fast on Mondays and Thursdays as much as possible. In the hope of the health and longevity of the great leader of the revolution, Imam Khomeini, and the victory of Islam over world infidelity, and the formation of a single nation and the Islamic Republic in all oppressed and oppressed Muslim nations.
May God protect the sincere servants of the ummah and destroy the enemies of Islam, and may God reward you and be patient. Amen, the omnipotent
And peace be upon you and upon the martyrs and the righteous and their mercy… and the blessings of
Muhammad Reza Banavi
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