Martyr Mohammad Hassan Baradaran
Father’s name: Gholam Hossein
Date of birth: January 10, 1963
Place of Birth: Brown
Date of martyrdom: April 30, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Khorramshahr
Landfill: Brown
Deploying unit: Road moat mobilization
The text of the will of Martyr Mohammad Hassan Baradaran

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. They fight in the way of God to kill the enemies of the religion or to kill themselves. This is a definite promise to God and a covenant mentioned in the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an. Announce to yourself in this deal that this covenant with God is the truth of great bliss and victory. Many greetings to the divine prophets, especially the Prophet of Islam, and greetings to the pure and infallible Imams.
I ask you, my parents and brothers, not to be indifferent to the issues that are happening because you are responsible for the blood of the martyrs and now that I am writing this letter, it is time for prayer and I am in a hurry and I am now in the 92nd Armored Division barracks in Ahvaz. We will be sent in a few days and I do not know where he is from and I ask you not to write the reply letter because we will be sent soon and your letter will not reach me.
Hello, my little brother and sister. Serving my brother Mohammad Ali Baradaran, I greet my family. I greet Sheikh Mohammad Ali Hakimi’s service with my sister and children. I greet the family of Gholam Reza Baradaran, Haji Hakimi, Haji Hossein Hakimi, Karam Ali Gorji, Mohammad Hossein Omrani Barat, Mohammad Hossein Baradaran, Akbar Omrani. I greet Reza Omrani’s service. Akbar Shahabi is also with me and they greet you. Greet all your relatives.
Meanwhile, Hossein Mubaraki has left Tehran and we have not heard from him since the day we left Tehran because he has stayed in Tehran and I do not know if he has come to the fronts or not.
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