Martyr Alireza Derakhshan
Father’s name: Mohammad

Date of birth: October 2, 1952
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: February 9, 1982
Place of martyrdom: Chazzabeh
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Basij
A part of the life of a martyr Ali brilliant teacher
Name of God
Flyqatl the sake of God and the Alzyn Yshrvn Alhyvh Dunya and I Yqatl sake of God Fyqtl he Fsvf Yghlb Ajrazyma Nvytyh. “Al-Nisa ’74”
Believers should strive in the way of God with those who choose the material life of this world over the Hereafter. Whoever jihad in the way of God will be killed or conquered, and we will soon give him a great reward.
The title of head of physical education was to continue his service to the revolution, and once he left for Kurdistan voluntarily at the beginning of the imposed war, and then volunteered for the front for the second time in December 1981. Martyr Alireza Derakhshan, whose martyrdom increased day by day on the day of love, finally came to the Strait of Chezabeh on February 13, 1981, to achieve his dream of martyrdom, like other companions of Hussein (AS). He sacrificed himself for the Islamic Revolution and tasted the nectar of martyrdom. “Dear memory and long way to go” Martyr Alireza Derakhshan, whose martyrdom increased day by day on the day of love, finally came to the Strait of Chezabeh on February 13, 1981, to achieve his dream of martyrdom, like other companions of Hussein (AS). He sacrificed himself for the Islamic Revolution and tasted the nectar of martyrdom. “Dear memory and long way to go” Martyr Alireza Derakhshan, whose martyrdom increased day by day on the day of love, finally came to the Strait of Chezabeh on February 13, 1981, to achieve his dream of martyrdom, like other companions of Hussein (AS). He sacrificed himself for the Islamic Revolution and tasted the nectar of martyrdom. “Dear memory and long way to go”
Will of Martyr Alireza Derakhshan
Testament of Martyr Alireza Derakhshan In the
name of
God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
O IRGC, Basij and Jihad, do not take a chance on God for a moment against the counter-revolution, and kill them like animals that have never been human, and O you who move with slogans and do not act, take sensitive positions and serve. Instead of sitting in a corner and praying and praying for others to determine your destiny, hypocrites are everywhere. Perhaps lazy, cowardly and ambitious people are more dangerous than them. I go and go through the best days of my life because I love Imam Zaman and the leader of the revolution. God, if you knew from my heart how much I love my revolution and prove that my life is nothing in the way of my Imam, Quran and Islam, but I recommend to my dear mother to treat my wife with the utmost kindness. My mother will not be satisfied if the slightest frown on My wife was a pure, compassionate, kind, and God-fearing angel, may God have mercy on her. Give the amount of money that my sister’s hand to Mehdi to spend on the path of the revolution, and by selling my car and a large carpet (Kashmari), give my wife a dowry, that is, let Mehdi spend whatever he wants with his permission. Give my salary to my wife as much as she can and spend the rest on the cause of the revolution. I have no other debt. Please do not bother yourself and come to my shrine early in the morning, I am not satisfied, take the trouble to go to the mosque and pray for the reappearance of the Imam of the Age and your combat readiness, and register for the front there. To God, at my funeral, open an office to go to the front and register that my body is not spectacular. We will attend the funeral. What a slogan. But to my wife: My dear wife, if I was not a faithful husband to you, forgive me, but I am happy that I was faithful to Islam, the Qur’an and my Imam. You were kind and God-knowing, and that is why I said goodbye to you as a young man and hurried to another land. It was a divine test that God wanted to test you and me, and how well we both came out of this great divine test. May God have mercy on me and have mercy on me for not being a good husband to you. Do not raise your voice to God so that non-mahrams can be heard and the reward will be reduced. Was given to us. I am happy for your happiness that you were pure and you are pure, and I am eager to see you on the Day of Resurrection. Be patient with my mother and she should be with you like a mother. May God grant success to all Muslims to serve Islam and the revolution. It was a divine test that God wanted to test you and me, and how well we both came out of this great divine test. May God have mercy on me and have mercy on me for not being a good husband to you. Do not raise your voice to God so that non-mahrams can be heard and the reward will be reduced. Was given to us. I am happy for your happiness that you were pure and you are pure, and I am eager to see you on the Day of Resurrection. Be patient with my mother and she should be with you like a mother. May God grant success to all Muslims to serve Islam and the revolution. It was a divine test that God wanted to test you and me, and how well we both came out of this great divine test. May God have mercy on me and have mercy on me for not being a good husband to you. Do not raise your voice to God so that non-mahrams can be heard and the reward will be reduced. Was given to us. I am happy for your happiness that you were pure and you are pure, and I am eager to see you on the Day of Resurrection. Be patient with my mother and she should be with you like a mother. May God grant success to all Muslims to serve Islam and the revolution. Come to my grave in Islamic dress and on Friday nights, remind me to rejoice in my martyrdom by reciting Surah Ar-Rahman and Yasin. I am happy for your happiness that you were pure and you are pure, and I am eager to see you on the Day of Resurrection. Be patient with my mother and she should be with you like a mother. May God grant success to all Muslims to serve Islam and the revolution. Come to my grave in Islamic dress and on Friday nights, remind me to rejoice in my martyrdom by reciting Surah Ar-Rahman and Yasin. I am happy for your happiness that you were pure and you are pure, and I am eager to see you on the Day of Resurrection. Be patient with my mother and she should be with you like a mother. May God grant success to all Muslims to serve Islam and the revolution.
Brother John Mehdi, I went and I hope that you will take care of my wife as much as possible, take her wherever she wants and give her whatever money she wants, say no, lest she make the slightest frown on her face, give her dowry and pay her dowry without hesitation. And give him the cassette. Give my sister whatever money she wants, with my car and my own carpets, whatever she wants, and spend the rest as you wish, take care of her like a sister.
Long live Islam and the Quran, long live Imam Khomeini, the glorious leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran,
and peace be upon Alireza Derakhshan, 9/27/60

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