Martyr Mohammad Hossein Ayenedar
Father’s name: Gholamreza
Date of birth: July 11, 1950
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: December 8, 1981
Place of martyrdom: Mariwan
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Revolutionary Guards
biography, diary
Martyr Mohammad Hossein Aynehdar was born in Ferdows city on 4/20/1329 and was martyred on 9/17/1360.

Does the merchant who awaits in the thirst for love, the soul on the lips and the desire to join in the end of Ferdows, the sweet nectar of martyrdom in the palate and to walk the path of happiness in the passage of death, take a path other than Ascension? Am I Nasser Yensrani? On that day, the Messianic tail of that Imam Noor, the teacher of martyrdom, wrote such a sorrow on the hearts of his companions in the bloody presence of Nineveh that they did not recognize him and eagerly stepped into the battle of the beloved carpenter. Today, the Takbir shout of its mirror-bearers in the Ashuras of our Islamic Revolution, led by the descendants of Hussein (AS) in the plains and red hills of Karbala in Iran in the south and west, Is a witness to Muharrams. Let us now look at the martyrdom of his followers, who inherited the tradition of martyrdom from Hussein and his followers.
Martyr Mohammad Hossein Aynehdar, son of Gholamreza, was born on 4/20/1329 in Ferdows city. He left his childhood and childhood with pain and hardship. In the first years of his life, which on the one hand was accompanied by the violence of nature, such as drought and famine, and on the other hand, family poverty, which was born of the turbulent situation of that time, In the center of his being to sit on the burden of self-sacrifice and resistance in tomorrows and adventurous futures, and to move towards the Kaaba of hopes with as much power as possible, so it was clear from the beginning that he would be a finger-pointer among his peers in a way The more he was proud and nurtured, the more his works became more graphic. The first few years of life were marked by a series of changes within the family. He had a virtuous nature and a good taste, and his curious spirit constantly made him know as much as possible, but unfortunately, despite his extravagant desire to learn science due to the unhealthy living conditions, he did not succeed much in this and only studied until the fifth grade. He has since dropped out of school due to financial problems. He was raised in the arms of a pious mother, and all these issues double his patience in the face of different scenes of life. As he finally became one of the blinds of the events of Dehr in the maze of successful and proud life, he embraced Homay Saadat and joined the many immortals. Long before his childhood and adolescence, the mirror martyr, with hard work and effort due to the extraordinary problems and difficulties he faced, decided to provide for himself. Despite his low literacy, he had a great spirit and mind. He was very kind and friendly and it can be said that he was in people’s hearts. He was completely constrained in performing religious duties. He attached great importance to religious gatherings and circles and was a leader in these matters. He had a special interest in the Ahl al-Bayt of infallibility and purity. For this reason, he actively participated in religious gatherings and circles. Sometimes, when the mourning and remembrance of a calamity was recited from the Imams, he was intoxicated by the intensity of crying and all the sparks of his existence were mixed with the love of the Ahl al-Bayt. He even had a special devotion to the sincere servants of Islam and the followers of the path of the Imams of Huda. During the explosion of the Prime Minister’s Office, which led to the oppressed martyrdom of Martyr Rajaei and Martyr Bahonar Sometimes, when the mourning and remembrance of a calamity was recited from the Imams, he was intoxicated by the intensity of crying and all the sparks of his existence were mixed with the love of the Ahl al-Bayt. He even had a special devotion to the sincere servants of Islam and the followers of the path of the Imams of Huda. During the explosion of the Prime Minister’s Office, which led to the oppressed martyrdom of Martyr Rajaei and Martyr Bahonar Sometimes, when the mourning and remembrance of a calamity was recited from the Imams, he was intoxicated by the intensity of crying and all the sparks of his existence were mixed with the love of the Ahl al-Bayt. He even had a special devotion to the sincere servants of Islam and the followers of the path of the Imams of Huda. During the explosion of the Prime Minister’s Office, which led to the oppressed martyrdom of Martyr Rajaei and Martyr Bahonar,As soon as he heard the news on the radio at 2:00 PM, he cried a lot and fell into a coma and was immediately taken to the hospital. He expressed this horrible crime. She started her social endeavor with hairdressing. Therefore, he worked as a hairdresser for a long time and also worked as a bathroom worker for several years. Despite financial difficulties, he practiced the divine tradition of marriage in a pious and hardworking family. The fruit of this marriage, which took place in 1347, was three sons and a daughter. After working in the bathroom for a while, the martyr chose a third job, which was to work in a spinning mill.After the victory of the revolution, he left the spinning mill and eagerly put on the holy clothes of the Revolutionary Guards and carried out all the assigned missions with all his heart and soul. He endured for the sake of satisfaction. He was sent to the front three times, the first time to Saqez, the second time to Abadan and the last time to Chenareh Marivan. When he was injured in Abadan and was hospitalized, while listening to the words of Imam (ra), he cried loudly and said: God, did I not deserve to testify that you did not accept me? After being discharged from the hospital, he had not yet fully recovered and returned to the front. He embraced martyrdom. Happy spirit and windy way
The text of the will of the Revolutionary Guards, Martyr Mohammad Hossein Aynehdar

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate,
and do not be afraid of those who are killed for the sake of the dead.
Support them and do not let them be beaten because then it will be the turn of the Imam’s leadership. I ask my parents, brothers, sisters and children if I become a martyr. Do not cry for me because martyrdom was consciously chosen by the martyr. If I become a martyr and achieve my long-held dream, bury me next to the graves of other martyrs in Ferdows. May God bless us with success
And peace be upon you and the mercy of God and the blessings of
Muhammad Hussein Aynehdar 9/3/60

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