Martyr Hadi Dadres Javan
Father’s name: Mohammad Baqer
Date of birth: June 22, 1962
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: October 24, 1981
Place of martyrdom: Bostan
Burial place: Ferdows
Sending unit: Mashmool
The text of the will of the Hadi Dadres Javan
In the name of God the Beneficent the Merciful
O Alrzqna success Shehadeh per Sbylk
the name of God in the name of God, the God of the poor and the name of the martyrs. The whiteness ends and the blackness begins and the sun of my life that has not set for a few springs and I hope that this sunset will lead to martyrdom if God wills and I do not know that sacrificing his life for the sake of the higher goals of Islam are the goals of Imam Khomeini. And it is considered martyrdom in the way of the nation. Now that I am going to the battlefield, in the hope of the victory of Islam and Muslims, I will drop my last bullets and take my last breath if I could destroy the infidels and foreigners.
Revolutionary and committed compatriots: Be careful that foreigners do not take advantage of the opportunity, and I ask you not to leave Islam and the dear leader alone, and always read the Qur’an, and with the help of the Imam and the efforts of all brothers and sisters, defeat all enemies. You will. Dear Nation, I ask you that your slogan is always Party A, Party A and Peshmerga’s Spirit, and death to the United States and the Soviet Union, and death to the Compromiser, and I request that you send the line of compromise forever to the grave of history. Support Islam and the Revolutionary Guards, and as the dear Imam says, “I am satisfied with the Revolutionary Guards.” Always offer your prayers in the first place and in congregation, because the reward is greater. Strengthen your relationship with the dear nation and do not separate from the people, and rely on weapons to confront the enemy, and always use the force of faith and the invincible force of the people and the party, and your motto is to be the guardians of the soul, the peshmergas of the party. “He’s party’s fighting dies, does not accept compromise.” Treat people well and be polite, and do not treat enemies, counter-revolutionaries, compromisers and hypocrites softly and simply, because they are worse than the devil. Lest one day people become pessimistic about you, because if the people do not support us, the IRGC should also be destroyed. Dear brothers, use the message of the 16 articles of the Imam’s self-improvement, and if you can, fast for me for 5 days. Thanks Treat people well and be polite, and do not treat enemies, counter-revolutionaries, compromisers and hypocrites softly and simply, because they are worse than the devil. Lest one day the people become pessimistic about you, because if the people do not support us, the IRGC must also be destroyed. Dear brothers, use the message of the 16 articles of the Imam’s self-improvement, and if you can, fast for me for 5 days. Thanks Treat people well and be polite, and do not treat enemies, counter-revolutionaries, compromisers and hypocrites softly and simply, because they are worse than the devil. Lest one day people become pessimistic about you, because if the people do not support us, the IRGC should also be destroyed. Dear brothers, use the message of the 16 articles of the Imam’s self-improvement, and if you can, fast for me for 5 days. Thanks
Mother: Goodbye
Can I forget your love, which lies like under the ashes? My mother, I go to a place where everyone goes. I go to a place that is the beginning of a new life and I say goodbye to you. Dear mother, do you know what values life? Faith and belief in a needless origin. Ana Allah and Ana Allah, we will return to him as we came. Never lose hope and do not despair and despair because despair is deadly. I am away from you for a while and I travel to the eternal path. I will bring you to paper, I will say goodbye to you, and I ask you to guide my brothers to the path of Islam with your love, and you will wear all four robes of war and send them to the front, and I want to be martyred for the sake of God and for the sake of pure religion. Islam, do not cry for me. Do not burn your heart for me and only burn your heart for Islam that my cry of Nasser Imam Hussein is loud and I ask God to make you a mother like Zahra (PBUH) and your children like Hassan and Hussein. I am the child of parents whose first Imam is Ali (AS) and whose last is Imam Zaman. Kind parents and dear brothers, I am your representative in these strongholds, which is the stronghold of Islam and the Quran. Father, I am fighting for Islam and composition… Thank God, if I become a martyr, do not cry for me, because this is a coin of happiness, and I hope that everyone will get it, and I reached my best, which was martyrdom in the way of God.
And so I expect you to be a father like Ali (AS) and I ask you not to bury me because thousands of people have fallen on the battlefields or become prey to birds.
Hope globalization of the Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khomeini Ansha’a …
Hello Khomeini, the leader of the Muslim Peace be upon the martyrs continues to Hussein, Drvdbr Dear President Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Khamenei, Death to America, the Soviet Union, Death to Israel, Death to the hypocrites Death to Saddam Yazid
With wishing
Hadi Dadres Javan
a diary
One of the brothers of the retired Ferdows Revolutionary Guards quotes that when we wanted to level the ground for the construction of the Ferdows Martyrs ‘Flower Garden in the east of Behesht Akbar Cemetery (the current location of the Martyrs’ Flower Garden), we were leveling the land together with the young judge Hadi Dadras. He did not know what we were doing!
We were supposed to set a limited land for Golzar Shohada. Half an hour after we worked, the old man on a motorcycle came from the people of Islam and told us to expand Golzar Shohada!
We said how do you know that؟. ?!
He said: Last night, Bibi Fatemeh Zahra (PBUH) came to my wife’s dream and said, “Order that the land of Golzar Shohada be expanded!”
Peace be upon you or Fatemeh Al-Zahra (PBUH)
Quoted from

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