Martyr Jafar Gomnaam
Father’s name: Hajji
Date of birth: May 25, 1956
Place of birth: Ferdows
Date of martyrdom: January 28, 1981
Place of martyrdom: Ahvaz
Burial place: Ferdows
Deployment unit: Army-Soldier
biography, diary
A summary of the biography of the anonymous martyr Jafar

Father’s name: Hajji, date of birth: 1335, place of birth: Ferdows city, education: diploma, marital status: wife and a son, deployment to the front: 77th Pirooz Khorasan Division, date of martyrdom : 8/10/1359, manner of martyrdom : Mortar hit, place of martyrdom : Ahvaz.
Martyr Jafar Gomnam was born in 1335 in Ferdows city. He completed his education in Ferdows model schools. He had great talent in technical and agricultural work.
The anonymous martyr grew up in a religious family and followed the manners of the Imams (AS), and he was very high-minded morally, with good behavior and high morals. According to the martyr ‘s friends and acquaintances , he had become a real role model of a worthy young man among his friends and peers during his studies.
Among the social and cultural activities of this great martyr , we can mention his works and activities in the Basij base of Martyr Sheikhizadeh, which was the basis for his employment in the Islamic Culture and Guidance Office of Ferdows city.
The martyr had a special interest in the Islamic Revolution and felt responsible for preserving its values. He left and shortly after his presence in the front, he was severely wounded by a mortar shell in the spinal cord and drank the nectar of martyrdom as a result of this severe injury.
The anonymous martyr Jafar was an example of self-sacrifice, devotion and devotion so that only 8 months after his marriage, in the sweetest days of his life, he wore the clothes of war and jihad in the way of God and preferred the sweetness of the hereafter to the sweetness of this world. Became the group of martyrs of Ferdows city.
The anonymous martyr is the first martyr of the Islamic Culture and Guidance Office in Khorasan, and for this reason his family and survivors have been visited and consoled many times in recent years by the officials of the General Directorate of Islamic Culture and Guidance in Khorasan.
Quoted from Ferdows News
Peace be upon him
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