Martyr Mohammad Khazzaf Moghaddam
Father’s name: Ali Akbar Date of birth: August 27, 1972 Place of birth: Ferdows Date of martyrdom: June 25, 1988 Place of martyrdom: Majnoon Island Burial place: Ferdows Sending unit: Basij Biography of Martyr Mohammad Khazaf Moghaddam Mohammad Khazaf Moghaddam in the name of God Martyr Mohammad Khazaf Moghaddam was born on September 26, 1351 in religious families in Ferdows city. The love and affection of this family for the family of infallibility and purity caused them to name him Mohammad. Mohammad was raised by his parents, who led a normal life through agriculture and animal husbandry, until he entered primary school at the age of 6 at the same time as the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Many who were studying could not continue their education and were forced to drop out of school due to the great need...